Length / Продолжительность: 00:25:42
Tracks / Треклист: 01. In Your Dreams 02. Dracula 03. In Jason’s Mind 04. Jack 05. Burning Oasis band Jon Schaffer - Guitars (rhythm) (1985-1988), Guitars (rhythm, lead), Vocals (Demons & Wizards, Iced Earth, Sons of Liberty, ex-The Rose) Bill Owen - Guitars (lead) (ex-Innersanctum, ex-Unearthed, ex-Sanctum) Gene Adam - Vocals (ex-Iced Earth, ex-Atomik Cocktail, ex-Unearthed) Guest: Jim Morris - Guitars (lead) (Oliva, Iced Earth, Jag Panzer, Demons & Wizards) Ruben Drake - Bass (Demons & Wizards, Sons of Liberty) Mark Prator - Drums (Millenium, John Wesley, ex-Iced Earth, ex-Sebastian Bach, ex-Autodrive, ex-Ralph Santolla) |
pestbeule666, ClaymanLF, pericles132, vidromero, Puma, Hestis, xoctav, buzzsawyer, blackivan, Mpampisg7, Gnoi, Eddie47, Dogfilles, too, warre, ruand05, megatuck520, nosferatou, JanneFiH, phrunobulax, Полуночное безумие, ConquerAll, yazvitskiy ef, schnolgi, VSvaleryVS, ricoko, Panzerbassen, lrimas1, robingub, Janiba60, Gusdepaula, Андрей С 1975, kisvakond, against03, fdr1969, aris16, Paul2016, music5, duceboia, Sikarra, Ebjenushechka, Mc Coy, dronick, Xordras, suroja, thor67, waldsky, Swordmaster, yakut1962, DistortedPortrait, slammer442, 0672510157, Rock11, Pitbull1969, pn1344, terminator007, aromansine, ozzy73, Godsnake, Loudness42, zenofilo, berndt72, val14bush, ovk777, Vosje, Crusader64, CycoMacke, serj71, laurana, tiseev1975, Artscald, vader1388, Leprosy974, dc2142, chemaguada, Steene, Deadmaker, Shmopee, монстр 4466, cyberInFer, Guy Guy, tomazinio, krentz, Aleister666, hrosik, hasanakalayci, riojard, galuche, georgemetalhead, dittohed213, elkenuncadescansa, koldarra, klan23, peternorth, jlconrado, fragi, mayorofarta, deatheddie, evilone, themetal696969, alxcsrdbla, porky666, faktor69, bourkek, kosmatus, evildick, veronahellas, elguardiannegro, chyci, greatbone, Tamplar, Hunter7, metalmaiden12, destructionn, popeye, olegcap17, kostasblackwind, irissdael, reinski, Daysbetween, d3athc0n, Warrior1968, muratko, reymaldito, everdarksoul, varlam4, gatemis, pinkcream69, perst61, SANYOK1984, KingX, ev0707, pasha88, Gr27, krupskii, Aks23666, rich74, jared_wanted, 2683765, |
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