Various artists - Working Man - A Tribute to Rush

Various artists - Working Man - A Tribute to Rush
Style:Progressive Rock
Format:320 mp3
Size:166.82 MB
Seeded:Jal9000 Respect  Antirespect
Various artists - Working Man - A Tribute to Rush
4.98/5 votes: 6
Added:22/01/2019 22:56:07
Downloaded:3198 (Taken - 976) Seeded 1 Downloading 0
Last seeded:03/12/2024 19:57:42
Moderation:Moderated by DetMoroz
Length / Продолжительность: 01:12:44

Tracks / Треклист:
01. Working Man - performed by Sebastian Bach
02. By-Tor and the Snow Dog - performed by James LaBrie
03. Analog Kid - performed by Jack Russell
04. The Trees - performed by Mike Baker
05. La Villa Strangiato - performed by Steve Morse
06. Mission - performed by Eric Martin
07. Anthem - performed by Mark Slaughter
08. Jacob's Ladder - performed by Sebastian Bach
09. Closer to the Heart - performed by Fates Warning
10. Natural Science - performed by Devin Townsend
11. YYZ - performed by James Murphy
12. Red Barchetta - performed by James LaBrie
13. Freewill - performed by Gregoor van der Loo



2019-01-23 06:31:32

Thank you!{#drinks.gif}

2019-01-28 15:56:00


47  Costa Rica
2019-07-30 07:57:01

Thank s

59  Spain
2022-10-19 00:40:48

Thanks a lot

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