Luctus - Discography (2003-2015)
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Albums / Альбомы: 2003 - The Dawn Ov the Eclipsed Desperation (EP) (128 kbps) 2004 - Ad Arma! (EP) (320 kbps) 2009 - Jaučiant Pabaigą Arti (320 kbps) 2011 - Live At Intro (Live) (320 kbps) 2013 - Stotis (320 kbps) 2015 - Ryšys (320 kbps) Encyclopaedia Metallum | |
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sapros, MsEcho, pestbeule666, Marsound, kotofey1983, grenadier1812, Goathier, Gnoi, Xavimetal32, JanneFiH, van dooom, Vinland318, Panzerbassen, fdr1969, Sumerian_Daemon, qwsa, MdN666, albert66613, falcon300377, ozzy73, darksky2014, Artscald, panos74, Edumetal17, andrescnk, TVM_75 , Volat777, morgion, waldemar, denesenkoaleksandr, Perished1978, siculterrorist, Daysbetween, grav_tn, dripfeeder, Volk11911, rus2540, butcheer, |
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The split Sonitus Caeli Ardentis (2007) is with my Argharus discography
New album, Užribis?
Edit: it arrived, thanks!
Album Stotis is in quite bad shape. Musics are cut in middle, more less
I am enjoying this music! I downloaded it as it says "Thrash" but so far, very much black metal / MBM with no thrash-- which is fine, it is really good music.
Plus, I am not very far into the discography so there may be more thrash-like music coming up.
EDIT: I found the thrash!
More on this later.
That first EP must have been an atmospheric anomaly :D as it is now as thrashy as a person could want, with gnarly mezmerizing guitars, fast fast fast, excellent! It's like.. black-matal Thrash!
More later, and a rating, but first I must get more pulverized by this music. Very good.
All right then !! Hahahahaha !! This stuff, you must keep an ear on it, or it may garrotte you in your sleep !! Aggressive !!
I now love this group! There are a few tracks here I didn't like much, but this is to be expected with anything that isn't Slayer. Those I do like, which is most of it, is very good! I like it a lot. I'm not yet done the whole discography.
For musical abilities and quality of music, in proportion with how much I am currently enjoying this discography, it gets 8+++ / 10 which is a weird number, yes, but.... So what? Hear it, and you'll come up with weird nunbers too after listening to this high-torque Lithuanian thrash-machine.