Luctus - Discography (2003-2015)

Luctus - Discography (2003-2015)
Luctus - Discography (2003-2015)
Style:Black Metal
Additional:Thrash Metal
Format:Разный (указан в описании) / Other
Size:487.75 MB
Luctus - Discography (2003-2015)
4.85/5 votes: 20
Added:24/02/2019 20:35:41
Downloaded:428 (Taken - 552) Seeded 4 Downloading 1
Last seeded:05/03/2025 17:03:27
Moderation:Moderated by Veggr
Albums / Альбомы:

2003 - The Dawn Ov the Eclipsed Desperation (EP) (128 kbps)
2004 - Ad Arma! (EP) (320 kbps)
2009 - Jaučiant Pabaigą Arti (320 kbps)
2011 - Live At Intro (Live) (320 kbps)
2013 - Stotis (320 kbps)
2015 - Ryšys (320 kbps)

Encyclopaedia Metallum



2019-02-24 22:12:24

The split Sonitus Caeli Ardentis (2007) is with my Argharus discography

58  Yugoslavia
2020-04-04 21:31:23

New album, Užribis?


Edit: it arrived, thanks! 

37  Portugal
2021-03-01 01:03:28

Album Stotis is in quite bad shape. Musics are cut in middle, more less

2021-03-30 10:10:16

Album Stotis is in quite bad shape. Musics are cut in middle, more less




there is a torrent file, but quality is 128


50  USSR
2024-12-21 22:56:58

I am enjoying this music! I downloaded it as it says "Thrash" but so far, very much black metal / MBM with no thrash-- which is fine, it is really good music.

Plus, I am not very far into the discography so there may be more thrash-like music coming up.

EDIT: I found the thrash!

More on this later.

50  USSR
2024-12-22 00:53:44

That first EP must have been an atmospheric anomaly :D as it is now as thrashy as a person could want, with gnarly mezmerizing guitars, fast fast fast, excellent! It's like.. black-matal Thrash!

More later, and a rating, but first I must get more pulverized by this music. Very good.

50  USSR
2024-12-22 01:46:25

All right then !! Hahahahaha !! This stuff, you must keep an ear on it, or it may garrotte you in your sleep !! Aggressive !!

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I now love this group! There are a few tracks here I didn't like much, but this is to be expected with anything that isn't Slayer. Those I do like, which is most of it, is very good! I like it a lot. I'm not yet done the whole discography.

For musical abilities and quality of music, in proportion with how much I am currently enjoying this discography, it gets 8+++ / 10 which is a weird number, yes, but.... So what? Hear it, and you'll come up with weird nunbers too after listening to this high-torque Lithuanian thrash-machine.

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