Babymetal - Discography (2011 - 2023)

Babymetal - Discography (2011 - 2023)
Babymetal - Discography (2011 - 2023)
Style:Modern Metal
Additional:Industrial Metal
Format:320 mp3
Size:3.61 GB
Seeded:Varg Respect  Antirespect
Babymetal - Discography (2011 - 2023)
4.59/5 votes: 89
Added:09/10/2019 17:23:07
Downloaded:5659 (Taken - 8976) Seeded 29 Downloading 1
Last seeded:11/03/2025 09:58:50
Moderation:Moderated by Varg
Genre: Melodic Modern Metal / Industrial Metal / Kawaii Metal / J-Metal  / Electronic / Female Vocal

Albums / Альбомы:

  Single & EP


Adame Iwakura, clammy205, Зото, flockemokke, HikeKnight42, level116, mattflamen, Boby002, gtsrik, metaltrackergood, Modotta, moonquake, anjinash, Praggressive, RhyanX, VitaVanHallen, koban, Jusakito, Matt_138, Azretier, 66Sex, Jaws72, Eginimfa, interista85, Mordred69, PhoenixZesh, karoly0224, vyachazor, PSYKOSIS, Marsound, JesusArroyo, ziiminus, mikelito987, zajtss, pericles132, I V Black, Alecei, kazeraplo, tricksy-lights, fk611, wikingwild, EvilKotti, Nergal87, Nitsuga, natalaf509, TA78, trupigor, Weborl, -Nachtmahr-, chambermk, RhyanDiez, Kroneker, obiguanz, priest antichrist, wedgoku, nesticle8bit, jaboro, enridr, gaul666, Serg3777, Lyulka31, kaschei, MATOX, BTThirten, blackivan, opepernoot, skhott, Yoha, ZombieMunky, nabb, jedimx, Shturm58, ericdraven76, izan, herbatarzeznik, micheero, darrelian, AlexKaz567, JanneFiH, PolyTech22, snglthret, johnnyquad02, leonidas905, DHawkmoon, stedust, UbuntuMetal, Piston34, Dedzone801, 8kopak8, VSvaleryVS, dave77, shkafokran, nikos6666, Basil_lst, snegfly, Андрей С 1975, evokeblackart, lorddragon67, Oboevviktor, asti, starrygrl, ofwindandflame, mani1664, motor2008, Vulpokefal, laurent-bonma, E-Voices, Oleg549, Igor20yan, alucard2991, kallyadranoch, Yeimon, xariton, lacy74, АНГЕЛСМЕРТИ, lucifere, smokeitnowmaan, Serafis666, firebiker, Infor, ARCHI77777, elymetal, galusik5, Pablo19, Thunder_HK, carpathia, wolf2, aTeN22, ayreon777, psoleus, Artscald, KataPy, jth6, kukori2004, chappy, strato020, XYZ000, filipos1973, ciderlord, peligrimm, Heikki_Vuorinen, ermis2, Leo15, Midora, myca666, cyberInFer, vladimir682, JIAKU, eider6 , stayros69, galuche, tears_of_fire, Jetlag69, Iron_Purple, luchito_bc, gagland, fanfan87, Dusan Ivkovic9, redskinfankorea, jibeyan, slayer1968, JESDAV, jaimefaz42, excaliburxv, iron529, Cold Space, gekud, drumgog, Gandalf71, андрюшик, Lasea, Ama84, SubZero66, romeo_rocky92, Patlatyi2013, drlucifer , Motorskill, olegcap17, kacsa, reinski, Devilloc, walkingdead, DetMoroz, bangmaster, Dr Aibolit, vaniaradi, Shirka, Fluttershy, Kyuss75, KOTЪ, Nimlot_74, KeeperOfTerror, zyrby, Mornaro, ev0707, rich74, Erminea, FuneralWolf,


2024-01-14 17:30:33


2024-04-25 22:01:07

Thank you very much !!!

2024-07-04 07:08:10


2024-08-12 00:35:11



43  Chile
2024-10-13 19:19:09

Nice, thank you

53  United Kingdom
2025-01-10 03:26:00

Thanks {#good3.gif}

2025-01-31 18:32:11


2025-02-20 21:32:06


2025-03-01 02:52:26

SHINY! Many thanks for sharing this. Looking forward to checking this discography out! Cheers from Oz.

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