Midnight Odyssey - Discography (2008 - 2024)

Midnight Odyssey - Discography (2008 - 2024)
Style:Atmospheric Black Metal
Format:320 mp3
Size:2.72 GB
Seeded:Varg Respect  Antirespect
Midnight Odyssey - Discography (2008 - 2024)
4.62/5 votes: 114
Added:30/10/2019 22:35:51
Downloaded:3206 (Taken - 6383) Seeded 15 Downloading 4
Last seeded:28/03/2025 19:47:05
Moderation:Moderated by Varg
Albums / Альбомы:
  2008 - The Forest Mourners (EP)
  2009 - Firmament (Demo)
  2011 - Funerals from the Astral Sphere
  2013 - Aeon Odyssey (Split)
  2013 - Converge, Rivers of Hell (Split)
  2015 - Spire & Midnight Odyssey (Split)
  2015 - The Night Has Come For Me (Single)
  2015 - Shards Of Silver Fade
  2017 - Silhouettes Of Stars (Compilation)
  2019 - Biolume Part 1 - In Tartarean Chains
  2020 - Ruins of a Celestial Fire
  2020 - Ardorem (Split)
  2020 - Ashes from a Terrestrial Fall
  2021 - Biolume Part 2 - The Golden Orb
  2022 - Echoes of the Thalassic Deep
  2023 - Biolume Part 3 - A Fullmoon Madness
  2024 - Closer To The Sky (EP)


233чугун233, 2222чугун2222, DanielMisantropo, Morgoth583, Хрумыч, pkuuvn, Boby002, Cliff1, apjesus, deadasgardian, Karen1927, NWOBHM, Praggressive, sd763, shadow777, comacoz, zadar48, KALI, Darkness, Mojtaba, Qatari, VroVero, Grandee, GANCH_Ru, Chuck6GGG, Kostikas123, Wolfman85, voador, Zyklon1988, sweetP, harpan13, rebuscador, vladlenshi, mrsly, roheadrex, Yulia1210, traveller, kr1egmetal, Alecei, atlas3728, rrangel, teuton70, Nitsuga, willleagl, TA78, svarog14, handofthehost, -Nachtmahr-, aion69, carcass, wargus696, tritosha, FridaMichelle, priest antichrist, Michgrinder, Ungoliant, cyrci-35, ASoIaF, nocturnal , kiko, pervunchik_vasja, H311cr4ft, nesticle8bit, Sid1966, gaul666, Sinisterror, Doomshroom, penumchrist, Arbedark, FireInTheSky, Yoha, Gnoi, babybabayaga, Parmenion, ruwild, ededas, унук эльхайя, Shturm58, blackswordmaster88, Herbert West, Southern Man, alex89159743308, Aleksei76, izan, VinterVegan, Myramide, pirox666, manrique, JanneFiH, KrampusLover, Gloomy Punk, kalinin612, clayj79, BlaspherionFLUL, van dooom, Vinland318, Fulldeath, ricoko, Casarez, dave77, picasso3, FrenteAtletico, snegfly, CapitanBlood, suslovod, fdr1969, moris7, Oboevviktor, Scowser, joseff, Haterr, sega-skoroxod, Sumerian_Daemon, Kvarkmeister, JhonsV, Thronumgoroth, cavemania, sever29, Malkar, Eszka, falcon300377, Igor20yan, 13STRANGER13, cranioclast, rude13, fkinf300, loginnik, warman, MartianReaper, SonneAdler0935, wipes, lucifere, filth666v, i am, Adrianus_West, Rennie75, the_imp667, bnk1101, omen997, Thorg, myrath666, serj71, vladoff665, NEPENTHIAN77, ohdaesoo81, Jonah Hex, tuallamore, razor7, Artscald, ea6666, buday1978, link666fr, mparion, Nork, ElboLiman, cyberInFer, tmofdd, kremator76, MileZlo, trifonoff, soultaker88, andrescnk, Frozen Winterheart, luchito_bc, TVM_75 , redskinfankorea, sunkab, Desolate, Cold Space, MpaK, epica93, FMV88, deadzzz2, Nikolai_K, Lasea, TULKAS88, katatonik76, Mundo , Dinozavr, stormhatt, lokiju, Cannibal Lupus , supermetroid, shay1212, QAFenriz, Lathronniel, kafroulas, deathsodom, profanus, AnDRONik696, dumbfox, Sturmfuhrer, Pepokrieg, dripfeeder, theraven, GOD_zilla, vaniaradi, mosessatan, tobik, Nyxtopouli, jack87, kreator1976, dulak, rich74, dtru, der_meister, pivi90, FuneralWolf,


50  USSR
2024-04-19 05:37:37

Depending on your browser configuration, it will open a tab or window or remain in same page, then begins a 1 minute countdown, after which the torrent file will download by your browser to your downloads folder.

EDIT - I just downloaded this one, it worked ok.

2024-04-26 21:20:18


44  France
2024-04-29 18:38:30

Thank you mate !

2024-05-20 20:21:50

2024 - Closer To The Sky (EP) Норм{#yes3.gif}

2024-06-16 10:57:53

Thanks for supporting Aussie metal 

32  Greece
2024-06-26 15:14:22


57  Belgium
2024-09-08 09:16:42

awesome stuff{#drinks.gif}

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