Sargeist - Discography (2001 - 2019)

Sargeist - Discography (2001 - 2019)
Style:Black Metal
Format:Разный (указан в описании) / Other
Size:1.17 GB
Seeded:Varg Respect  Antirespect
Sargeist - Discography (2001 - 2019)
4.98/5 votes: 60
Added:24/12/2019 20:15:09
Downloaded:3469 (Taken - 4919) Seeded 18 Downloading 2
Last seeded:13/03/2025 11:24:47
Moderation:Moderated by Varg
Albums / Альбомы:
2001 - Nockmaar & Heralding Breath of the Pestilence (Demo) (VBR)
2001 - Tyranny Returns (Demo) (320 kbps)
2002 - Merrimack & Sargeist (Split) (320 kbps)
2003 - Satanic Black Devotion (320 kbps)
2004 - Sargeist & Temple of Baal (Split) (VBR)
2004 - In Ruin & Despair / To the Lord Our Lives (Split) (320 kbps)
2004 - Sargeist & Funeral Elegy (Split) (192 kbps)
2005 - Funeral Curses (Compilation) (VBR)
2005 - Disciple Of The Heinous Path (320 kbps)
2006 - Sargeist & Bahimiron (Split) (VBR)
2008 - Sargeist - The Dark Embrace (EP) (320 kbps)
2010 - Let The Devil In (320 kbps)
2011 - Crimson Wine & As The Blood Flows On (Split) (VBR)
2011 - Lair of Necromancy (EP) (320 kbps)
2013 - The Rebirth Of A Cursed Existence (Compilation) (320 kbps)
2014 - Feeding The Crawling Shadows (320 kbps)
2018 - Unbound (320 kbps)
2019 - Death Veneration (EP) (320 kbps)

gravemouth, рюрик60, mattflamen, gOreGolem200, apjesus, METALLURG74, Duha 87, amark2, Apofis58, shadow777, Skogarvordur , lemyforever, INGVARxFROST, Walkodi, Qatari, funusbandhu, someusername, elouros1991, Thrakmus, BLINDMAN96125, VroVero, sethmorley1969, Athel-M, pestbeule666, neumann, Chuck6GGG, vicdias, Wolfman85, Michalis Deltas , Zyklon1988, kr1egmetal, hammurabi, umbra_nigra666, sergio1204, Nitsuga, Djevel, -Nachtmahr-, gnarkill, Svartmetal, michmaikov, kotofey1983, darzamat8, Ungoliant, cyrci-35, pervunchik_vasja, devildamn96, hberci, sanych44, Gnoi, Xavimetal32, унук эльхайя, Shturm58, hrvth, Herbert West, izan, SunghirMR, fester_revered, Sentinel79, manrique, JanneFiH, Vaho, draht, Бхайрава, Bonanzo1974, ConquerAll, Vinland318, snegfly, Bhut78, moris7, noirmath, joseff, bootselectric13, Sumerian_Daemon, Tortz, Thronumgoroth, the_final_chasm, Malice V, uranya, Igor20yan, Wolfcall14, Vsl, fkinf300, Dogsvomit, allonzo, bill4aston, semt, timo2007, leper--messiah, Antimaterie, bnk1101, val14bush, pops074, omen997, darksky2014, Slayerofsouls, serj71, ohdaesoo81, laurana, Artscald, crapouille, ETHER, Kuntgrinder, panos74, Steene, lucifugefromhell, ElboLiman, euronymus, cyberInFer, tmofdd, bearbob1989, LordOfTheWasteland, 666PoisonSnake, soultaker88, andrescnk, waclav_666, kare6161, TVM_75 , hoher666, War Hammer, venom71, morgion, Cold Space, arhat2012, Enki, waldemar, BlackWolf666, LameBastard, epica93, db415, Lasea, Diegocaro85, Evilteo, fuar, blizzardbeast, stormhatt, lokiju, kostasblackwind, hfabioh, Lathronniel, Daysbetween, Sasha29Mad, kascey, dumbfox, massiargo, sandrolord, undyin6, grav_tn, rybaerzh, dripfeeder, LE0NARD0, savmit, branislav, 241070, Esyl, bluffuffe, ravana, kukliatka, rich74, ostego, FuneralWolf,


2022-08-27 01:14:15

Thanks! {#kiss.gif}

2023-05-28 00:44:11


44  El Salvador
2023-06-02 23:13:03


2023-08-07 05:33:49


2023-11-17 21:02:06

Thank you very much !!!

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