Ignea - (ex - Parallax) - Discography (2013 - 2023)

Ignea - (ex - Parallax) - Discography (2013 - 2023)
Ignea - (ex - Parallax) - Discography (2013 - 2023)
Style:Sympho Metal
Additional:Progressive Metal, Oriental Metal
Format:320 mp3
Size:686.12 MB
Seeded:Veggr Respect  Antirespect
Ignea - (ex - Parallax) - Discography (2013 - 2023)
4.9/5 votes: 60
Added:21/03/2020 17:51:39
Downloaded:3958 (Taken - 5038) Seeded 15 Downloading 0
Last seeded:13/03/2025 10:13:51
Moderation:Moderated by DetMoroz
Genre / Жанр: Symphonic/Progressive Metal with Middle-Eastern Folk influences

Albums / Альбомы:

2013 - Sputnik (EP)
2014 - Petrichor (Single)
2015 - Alga (Single)
2017 - The Sign of Faith
2018 - Queen Dies (Single)
2018 - The Sign of Faith (Instrumental)
2020 - Disenchantment (Single)
2020 - The Realms of Fire and Death
2021 - Bosorkun (Single)
2021 - Ignea & Ersedu - Bestia (Split)
2023 - Dreams of Lands Unseen

metal_dzhuma, D1rtyAn1mal, TokyoGeisha, Darusgabi, level116, Gb3, Ant Warrior, ugorazd, Sodomic6, вроттово, RhyanX, carlosrod, Azretier, Grandee, AndrewSeemann, Xusia, sweetP, drslick77, Vicari0us, Marsound, Funeral Bell, jesus13, zajtss, traveller, Alecei, Anatoliy81, РуВий, pet99, MorganasCurse, Netto1962, sniperevb, trupigor, Rikimaru, redamned, Godschild80, RhyanDiez, Kroneker, tritosha, jeff744, priest antichrist, jamesiron, tan222, pervunchik_vasja, LordHeimdall, raiser_, gaul666, vazdu, Snipe_r, lsilviu73, NJStix, Muzikjack, 4b10, Guttenmaher, mechanic82, icecreammonster1, MeTr59, Yoha, Seyho, Lex_La_Magra, Scodrom, Shturm58, Sigistrix, cidarstewart, ansalon, havik, elbagres, axiopolis, russwwelt, JanneFiH, PolyTech22, Jebtheknight, Yaumulahad, S1ovan, machinist, Apl, VSvaleryVS, robingub, Ortiz68, Андрей С 1975, ohniesensei, Rodger333, stas pisarev, suslovod, fdr1969, FePeGe, lorddragon67, joseff, ladyann, kesyc, k1llu7, scoobiedoh, camart72, alucard2991, cranioclast, 19a-lexander , Metalos65, kolobok455, skippyhs, heavenshallburn, RollinThunda, thevik, smokeitnowmaan, nazgul69, firebiker, cey, aalio, Vosje, CycoMacke, myrath666, elymetal, ohdaesoo81, laurana, TrakkaUPacciu, wolf2, Artscald, jlbyjrjtpkj, the voyager, vamprose, KataPy, strato020, ciderlord, chevrolet, ElboLiman, cyberInFer, popoallo, Yoni69, gyurma, stayros69, TVM_75 , hoher666, Summoniing, kaliberrock, slayer1968, venom71, dragonika67, kosmatus, alexey19700, mariuss, epica93, virusdarkness, Lasea, 5e9gze, romeo_rocky92, Patlatyi2013, Komick, mancio, destruction, swebarb, hfabioh, kollega-71, Николай7711, gafazen, DevAngelLX, Freddi Kruger, polgara, dumbfox, varjag666, gothic_, Dr Aibolit, BlackSignature, Shirka, burzum73, alex111, valera2010, Booyakasha, dulak, ev0707, rich74, alexey13, cfds, FuneralWolf,


2024-11-30 02:20:55


48  Russia
2025-02-06 07:21:59

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