Various Artists - Tributo a Mägo de Oz ¡¡Stay Oz!! Hasta que el Cuerpo Aguante

Various Artists - Tributo a Mägo de Oz ¡¡Stay Oz!! Hasta que el Cuerpo Aguante
Format:128 mp3
Size:121.23 MB
Seeded:Sercadi Respect  Antirespect
Various Artists - Tributo a Mägo de Oz ¡¡Stay Oz!! Hasta que el Cuerpo Aguante
4.5/5 votes: 4
Added:09/07/2020 15:46:43
Downloaded:797 (Taken - 877) Seeded 4 Downloading 0
Last seeded:03/12/2024 20:33:40
Moderation:Moderated by Veggr
Length / Продолжительность: 02:17:22

Tracks / Треклист:



45  Russia
2020-07-09 16:09:54

CD 1/12 -Pensando en Ti.mp33.15 MB

CD 2/12 -Somewhere Over The Rainbow.mp33.73 MB


CD 1/12 - Pensando en Ti.mp33.15 MB

CD 2/12 - Somewhere Over The Rainbow.mp33.73 MB

45  Russia
2020-07-09 16:37:04

For Compilations

Choose a template "Album"

Fill the field (or choose one):

Type: Music
Artist: Various Artists
Name: The name of the album
Location: you do not need. Exception: If all the authors of one of the country (if not in the list of countries indicate manually in the description). For example: Sountry / Country: Bahrain
Year: Choose from a list
File Format: Select the desired format and bit rate. If at least one file in different quality, select Разный (указан в описании)
Genre: Various groups play if in a variety of different styles. If the collection of case, the style specified. Additional styles and those that are not in the template specified in the description: [b] Style / Genre: [/ b] Slamming Brutal Death Metal
Cover Image: The cover is to be the official cover of the album (with no watermarks and links to other resources).

In the descriptions:

Choose a template "Album"

Length / Продолжительность: Full length album in the hh: mm: ss (you can find the same player and add the whole album)
Tracklist / Трэклист: indicate tracklist album. Numbering tracklist written with two digits, even with a single track. T
racklist should look like - Number of track - Band name - Track name. Example:

01. Wyrd - In Silence Enshrined
02. Geist - Love Of The Swan
03. Dark Fortress - Endtime

59  Spain
2022-10-19 20:18:52

Many Thanks

2024-03-17 14:36:38


2024-09-02 22:58:11


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