Храм Заката - Discography (2014 - 2021)

Храм Заката - Discography (2014 - 2021)
Style:Heavy Power Metal
Format:320 mp3
Size:250.64 MB
Seeded:ac5820 Respect  Antirespect
Храм Заката - Discography (2014 - 2021)
4.43/5 votes: 15
Added:12/08/2020 17:45:00
Downloaded:288 (Taken - 428) Seeded 2 Downloading 1
Last seeded:07/05/2024 00:01:21
Moderation:Moderated by andrwgldmn
Albums / Альбомы:
  2014 - Новый век (ЕР)
  2017 - Time for Love (ЕР)
  2021 - MMXXI



43  USSR
2021-02-18 14:15:49

Обновлён: 2021 - MMXXI


58  Spain
2022-05-19 03:16:48

thanks a lot

58  Spain
2023-07-23 21:52:52

I haven't stopped seeding! 


Well, except for the times the lights go out for a while. I am not living in a good place, light comes and goes, and of course, same with my ISP.


I'm very sorry for the lack of seeding but it's out of my reach. I keep my PC on and seeding as long as I can.


... In regards to the system message asking me for seeding.


I've just checked, and I'm seeding right now.

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