Eternal Champion - Ravening Iron

Eternal Champion - Ravening Iron
Style:Epic Metal
Additional:Heavy Metal
Format:320 mp3
Size:87.16 MB
Seeded:Mpampisg7 Respect  Antirespect
Eternal Champion - Ravening Iron
4.73/5 votes: 70
Added:07/11/2020 01:52:52
Downloaded:6273 (Taken - 5926) Seeded 23 Downloading 0
Last seeded:12/01/2025 15:32:59
Moderation:Moderated by Mpampisg7
Length / Продолжительность:

Tracks / Треклист:

01. A Face in the Glare (04:59)
02. Ravening Iron (05:01)
03. Skullseeker (04:13)
04. War at the Edge of the End (04:45)
05. Coward's Keep (05:54)
06. Worms of the Earth (04:29)
07. The Godblade (02:17)
08. Banners of Arhai (05:40)

Gogrille, level116, Boby002, JakartaRocks, paurinos, Jairo Kondo, MetalJohn42, Knockturnus, null, zadar48, someusername, Geese1, pestbeule666, xatephx, Wolfman85, alcappone, Michalis Deltas , Ravenghast, sweetP, PSYKOSIS, BlackStar, hans-zi, elfesatyre, Buddyboy, Marsound, joseang, sizer99, ziiminus, duragon, novajimmer, asuka02langley, roheadrex, TrueRainmaker, pericles132, KostikNN, traveller, icarohm, kr1egmetal, mityi65, oleg_the_seer_died, rrangel, Corvus_c, MonGaUx, dcsa full of hell, Senal, Leozilla, TomTib, dan_gainet, cloise, ryukurokota, Ungoliant, Deathgrinder, tan222, lazarus muller, LordHeimdall, 12daniloff75, nesticle8bit, nogmaster, thule59, Hestis, gek4jc, xoctav, arminion, NJStix, penumchrist, McalvinoV, buzzsawyer, blackivan, polysach, MeTr59, AHRB, Goathier, stavpiss, Hanoi Memo, Helldwarf, GodfatherOfEvil, varro64, Sigistrix, povtype17, Zombedoom, elbagres, nosferatou, mrmaiden, krypton2000, wholelottarock, JanneFiH, Jebtheknight, dwidou, Yaumulahad, talopatalo, Piston34, schnolgi, VSvaleryVS, Panzerbassen, robingub, danpan, Андрей С 1975, kallem666, kvothe, aris16, LordProtector, karp1, moris7, lorddragon67, suroja, camart72, alucard2991, kallyadranoch, cranioclast, 19a-lexander , slammer442, kolobok455, fkinf300, justausername, gargolux, АНГЕЛСМЕРТИ, sleazerocker, bill4aston, MeRoCo, i am, motley1, rammmirez, javicha, pszicho, kisoun, kanvey, spider06, bumlock, aalio, Vosje, Slayerofsouls, myrath666, ohdaesoo81, Pablo19, TrakkaUPacciu, carpathia, Jonah Hex, wolf2, Artscald, jlbyjrjtpkj, Brogs, chemaguada, alfred13, jukswede, strato020, filipos1973, Billy_Sdk, Deadmaker, Zevango, psouzaps, cyberInFer, Vladi, SOROKA158, markinmetal, JIAKU, Guy Guy, bearbob1989, Folklorito, tomazinio, LordOfTheWasteland, Xplorer, Farmhund, soultaker88, templarsteel, ivannemec, Kepi, georgemetalhead, dittohed213, willhandicap, peternorth, TVM_75 , mayorofarta, cannibalistico, alxcsrdbla, dgot, doom2013, bourkek, Wolveskhan, Stahlreich, kosmatus, Gandalf71, андрюшик, orphanage, elguardiannegro, katatonik76, masmissian, Dario, Tamplar, Alextoner, blizzardbeast, Beer Baron, lokiju, destructionn, cyvra, Mantoz, kostasblackwind, kidmetal666 , thrashbanger, kacsa, Freddi Kruger, Devilloc, profanus, dumbfox, ortegajohny, tseaboth, undyin6, triston, Sturmfuhrer, pasa73, nickolay2, globus3686, tyr_mid, devilschild_29, adolfssreich, everdarksoul, amos22, bluffuffe, Semen89, дагон, demoneyezer, 12Grave12, AlovaR, leonidka59, ev0707, ostego,


2021-07-08 18:01:27

dope material. thx man

2021-11-03 20:21:52

Thanks friend

2022-07-10 01:18:46


2022-09-06 14:58:26

Gracias por el aporte.

2022-09-07 21:17:20

merci beaucoup

2022-10-22 23:42:51


36  Bolivia
2023-03-22 13:00:44

cool {#party.gif}

59  Spain
2023-03-27 15:25:00

So many thanks, excellent post {#drinks.gif}

2024-03-17 18:36:53


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