Rob Zombie - The Lunar Injection Kool Aid Eclipse Conspiracy

Rob Zombie - The Lunar Injection Kool Aid Eclipse Conspiracy
Style:Industrial Metal
Additional:Hard Rock
Format:320 mp3
Size:96.28 MB
Seeded:Varg Respect  Antirespect
Rob Zombie - The Lunar Injection Kool Aid Eclipse Conspiracy
4.96/5 votes: 129
Added:22/02/2021 17:23:39
Downloaded:14227 (Taken - 12308) Seeded 18 Downloading 0
Last seeded:26/12/2024 10:13:23
Moderation:Moderated by Varg
Length / Продолжительность: 00:41:59

Tracks / Треклист:
01. Expanding the Head of Zed
02. The Triumph of King Freak (A Crypt of Preservation and Superstition)
03. The Ballad of Sleazy Rider
04. Hovering over the Dull Earth
05. Shadow of the Cemetery Man
06. A Brief Static Hum and Then the Radio Blared
07. 18Th Century Cannibals, Excitable Morlocks and a One-Way Ticket on the Ghost Train
08. The Eternal Struggles of the Howling Man
09. The Much Talked Of Metamorphosis
10. The Satanic Rites of Blacula
11. Shower of Stones
12. Shake Your Ass-Smoke Your Grass
13. Boom-Boom-Boom
14. What You Gonna Do with That Gun Mama?
15. Get Loose
16. The Serenity of Witches
17. Crow Killer Blues
picko, vovan69adc, dark_soul666, arzola1, Jaws72, Perl_Drums, octaoliva, ChadPC69, ppriest, morehuman, murdo, Yuan07, bleedformistress, _Destroyer_, Vegas102, tomhegedus, voador, qualitycare, Mongoloidnost, sweetP, harpan13, Vicari0us, cosmicpineapple, canelo, Marsound, Lettich, lodjica, zajtss, Yulia1210, traveller, lestat4593, MudVirus, DeathMetalHero, Mihhhail, suicyco, EvilKotti, let4ikmiha, NeophobiA, mortuus777, Nergal87, code127, MonGaUx, Nitsuga, meloman311998, Yatoputso, Tomo78, dcsa full of hell, donald28rus, Miver, g3769, zonata07, Papametal, deform_, chambermk, Beyond_Oblivion, mrwacky, pankk, ranhaman, yatsok, J3bo, Ungoliant, staken13, tan222, Damonex87, lazarus muller, LordHeimdall, Triad1970, iStargazer, badger, MasterBlaster_, isenstone, nogmaster, Roffe, Spartanec, arthur, Dhalsinn, vazdu, valry, Павлуха1966, Soulblad3, xoctav, ZanzoLycan, arminion, kaschei, _Koshak_, Begemot, penumchrist, McalvinoV, blackivan, psychotic_penguin, whisky, H8llfire, skhott, MMann, tonyl85, ZombieMunky, nabb, wigge, georg4712, Gnoi, oldwhitepitbull, abusu, Xavimetal32, saraseck, kam4adal, djjohannsson, Eddie47, GAZMETAL666, kostaspag, Shturm58, cynic71, Dogfilles, Fennarth, slowtoanger, Sigistrix, ericdraven76, Dtisgod1959, Don Davi, warre, torpedo66, Public Enemy NO 1 , Jal9000, sorin010, Ivan50, Bobafett1313, Zombie1981, cibertoxic, lesenok, Wickerman1972, wow510, Antichrist Superstar, 6string3, JanneFiH, productor, Pintone, lak, phrunobulax, cheezeboy, Полуночное безумие, Jebtheknight, johnnyquad02, Yaumulahad, Алексей евгеньевич, ЮRocks, kingnothing78, Бхайрава, clayj79, BlaspherionFLUL, talopatalo, pottma01, artmet, Piston34, yazvitskiy ef, schnolgi, VSvaleryVS, ricoko, Casarez, Panzerbassen, picasso3, CoffeemugzAU, judas priest 1, elsilbon67man, Zekero, robingub, stride81, Leatherface218, plaingold, Андрей С 1975, mooshmer, BlsDisciple, toolbx, auzis, kisvakond, Kirckuss, kallem666, KAOSWAR, fdr1969, vvainel, karnab, karp1, moris7, lorddragon67, Vladimir 345, Laestes, Paul2016, d5555ed, arkanzas666, dronick, 5atan, krrkon, themistery, asti, alexisilenoz, Scallywag, Simi86, ofwindandflame, Battam, elbastardo1b, dr Pill 72, WickedBastard001, kuzmich2007, Truckie, roswel47, paulricard, yfb08, etors, deadmeat08, GoodW1n71, thrashem, Andreich, scoobiedoh, jnfirst, Malkar, thor67, messia, LedZep, Vulpokefal, kv 2, E-Voices, waldsky, seryi0001, hend, camart72, ALEGGG, alucard2991, jnec, adee1970, Chris Zombie, Phek1957, toxxickk, lacy74, kolobok455, loginnik, warman, Dogsvomit, necrosadi, Rock11, Burdon, alexbueno, Claudiobhte, ltibor, lamb3434, bocman67, Kaskarrabias27, vovas150, nick1975, H-K, MeRoCo, andead, smokeitnowmaan, aromansine, i am, oxcom, subsight, kasbeelpazuzu, pszicho, 6manu, The Preacher, fosepu10, johnlord, berndt72, drummerboy1972, DelMarBR, cey, bumlock, aalio, wizard7, Vosje, CycoMacke, Slayerofsouls, myrath666, w1zz1, ppaquet, vladoff665, NEPENTHIAN77, ohdaesoo81, galusik5, carpathia, El Putrefacto, TRiPoLYT, psoleus, Artscald, jlbyjrjtpkj, leosv, gwar777, robscrew, vader1388, fuzzbomb, dc2142, Tedebrujas, Kuntgrinder, serenobrak, pz666, DaviCruz, jhorror, Ural31050, snakrow, peligrimm, lucifugefromhell, Satanarchist, SOWWTB, ElboLiman, met76, Zevango, Will1978, cirku17, lepage59, cyberInFer, Vladi, popoallo, IRONGRIB, Ordinance, tmofdd, Sombrero1982, Aris Lebow, SleepingDeer, OliverQ, tomazinio, billybob14, purplejane231, RoRoGROSLOUIS, Aleister666, bulldogdan, Enysmon, JUAN CARLOS, gothicsam, tundra, galuche, Jetlag69, klan23, peternorth, voloalex, Moto_, denklimat, bundas, dts, lindaketcham, fanfan87, gogiss48, Dusan Ivkovic9, masiniszt, redskinfankorea, price321, TomJoad, Studes, kragdob, taolta, чуебакка, slayer1968, venom71, Evaldas, dgot, MacCareless, RussTnailZ, DeathMaster666, Stahlreich, Hendrik Mobus, dreamevil, evildick, mariuss, gekud, FukEmUpSon, bril, MpaK, Gandalf71, artkenosis, андрюшик, karolinnn, BlackWolf666, db415, virusdarkness, camere, Nikolai_K, elguardiannegro, Lasea, Анатолий1861, konradrock, Mundo , greatbone, hag0310, Patlatyi2013, Dinozavr, mancio, perifferist, Nabilpiero, USN, PsychoD69, crotal25, destructionn, Motorskill, olegcap17, hfabioh, robi1967, Николай7711, redemptor, rush68, thrashbanger, Soul550, akix, reinski, mazut30, eric1334, Devilloc, profanus, bera, AnDRONik696, Zombie40k, walkingdead, Vorotislav, Tankist75, ghoh, massiargo, Egen71, bangmaster, Asoth, Dr Aibolit, alexandrlimar, DooomDog, kostriv, amos22, ktulus, Fluttershy, Anatoly, CORPSEMIXA, Kyuss75, pinkcream69, perst61, saloma75, 12Grave12, Cup666, fvlad_x, SANYOK1984, tobik, Vasserman, INGEENER, Nyxtopouli, sergio2273, pantherace, Onirico, devol2007, Radioman, ev0707, Lissienko, pasha88, PASHTET983, styxx, Dimas36, 2683765, dtru, N73, 2468645, pivi90, scrigich,


2024-12-01 22:52:23


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