C-187 - Collision

C-187 - Collision
Style:Groove Metal
Additional:Progressive Deathcore, Progressive Metalcore
Format:320 mp3
Size:120.16 MB
Seeded:Crasher69 Respect  Antirespect
C-187 - Collision
4.99/5 votes: 8
Added:22/02/2021 21:25:47
Downloaded:168 (Taken - 228) Seeded 1 Downloading 0
Last seeded:13/03/2025 10:18:51
Moderation:Moderated by Varg
Length / Продолжительность: 00:41:24

Tracks / Треклист:
01. Collision
02. Cruisin' for a Bruisin' 
03. Roadblock (D.O.A.)
04. Drugged and Mugged
05. Stalker
06. Murda
07. Homicide
08. P.C.P. (Murda in My Head)
09. Rip Deal
10. Sidewalk Chalk
11. Knee Deep In
12. Life Is Dead
13. Strapped with Heat
14. New Territory


55  USSR
2021-02-22 21:31:36

Tony Jelencovich - Vocals (Death Destruction, Transport League, Icon in Me, ex-Commander, ex-Ton of Bricks, ex-B-Thong, Iron Shit Snakes, M.A.N., ex-Fear Factory (live), ex-Angel Blake, ex-Outshine, ex-Mnemic (live))


Patrick Mameli - Guitars (Pestilence, Moordzucht, Neuromorph)


Tony Choy- Bass (Fire for Effect, Synaptik, Synkronizity, Voracious Scourge, Area 305, Neuromorph, ex-Atheist, ex-Cynic, ex-Pestilence, ex-Strike Master (live))


Sean Reinert  (R.I.P. 2020) - Drums (ex-Anomaly, ex-Portal, ex-Aghora, ex-Cynic, ex-Levi / Werstler, ex-Death, ex-Seaweed, ex-Æon Spoke, ex-Crypha, ex-Perfect Beings, ex-Sean Malone, ex-Death DTA (live))

2021-02-25 12:04:48

nice project, a mix of Pestilence (Testimony of the Ancients) & Cynic atmosphere

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