Sweet Oblivion - Relentless

Sweet Oblivion - Relentless
Style:Heavy Metal
Format:320 mp3
Size:100.87 MB
Seeded:razor7 Respect  Antirespect
Sweet Oblivion - Relentless
4.89/5 votes: 58
Added:08/04/2021 16:06:07
Downloaded:7118 (Taken - 3575) Seeded 4 Downloading 0
Last seeded:01/03/2025 07:40:14
Moderation:Moderated by razor7
Country: Italy / USA

Length / Продолжительность: 

Tracks / Треклист:

01. Once Again One Sin (feat. Geoff Tate) 
02. Strong Pressure (feat. Geoff Tate) 
03. Let It Be (feat. Geoff Tate) 
04. Another Change (feat. Geoff Tate) 
05. Wake up Call (feat. Geoff Tate) 
06. Remember Me (feat. Geoff Tate) 
07. Anybody out There (feat. Geoff Tate) 
08. Aria (feat. Geoff Tate) 
09. I'll Be the One (feat. Geoff Tate) 
10. Fly Angel Fly (feat. Geoff Tate)

Knight69, ChadPC69, esteban667, hans-zi, METALURG, Vicari0us, ClaymanLF, Romzes2073, ultron2020, orion68, mrsly, traveller, lestat4593, mityi65, gabyvelthegreat, batos38, sniperevb, Elektr0nik, zonata07, sva57, J3bo, tan222, LordHeimdall, stoyan166, isenstone, Roffe, arthur, xoctav, rudifloyd, NJStix, _Koshak_, Begemot, szabojoe68, warpieke, blackivan, psychotic_penguin, MeTr59, Hanoi Memo, SolomonKane, GK1966, trasher76, kiscsavo78, Eddie47, Shturm58, ozzman55, steven, jimev, kempes977, peti91, Bobafett1313, zkalak, JanneFiH, 11ams11, Yaumulahad, Алексей евгеньевич, miloal, visit, talopatalo, DHawkmoon, denx, schnolgi, VSvaleryVS, Panzerbassen, sergey 35, judas priest 1, robingub, Janiba60, TheMarceloRocker, demid-roll66, suslovod, fdr1969, karnab, lorddragon67, Vladimir 345, Oboevviktor, Sikarra, bumbalumba, themistery, asti, alexisilenoz, Scallywag, ofwindandflame, elbastardo1b, paulricard, suroja, thor67, Jupiler, camart72, adee1970, mediap1, slammer442, kolobok455, kapex1664, Sixth666, Dogsvomit, allonzo, N360, MeRoCo, ozzy73, animicide, stellite, pszicho, zenofilo, beerlover2412, johnlord, drummerboy1972, cey, sparky48, kane89, szenzar, Vosje, CycoMacke, myrath666, galusik5, Pablo19, TrakkaUPacciu, rosen, tiseev1975, Artscald, ritchieaxel, jumpy, impellitteri609, alfred13, strato020, chevrolet, monsterlord, hagari, micek5, ElboLiman, cyberInFer, OliverQ, tomazinio, Xplorer, ivannemec, hrosik, pebbles1965, riojard, tundra, galuche, Jetlag69, dittohed213, blacksunwheel, Iron_Purple, Deathroo, nzdeus, TomJoad, molzo, slayer1968, doom2013, faktor69, prisma, kosmatus, alexey19700, heavy08, gekud, Gandalf71, андрюшик, mattia, elguardiannegro, Pepeargento, SPARTAN, chyci, greatbone, lemodic, destructionn, popeye, Pparker, eap, Varg, akis , robi1967, Николай7711, eric1334, ortegajohny, muratko, pasa73, Rourke, mas17, fritz2home, amos22, Anatoly, demoneyezer, pinkcream69, AligerO, leonidka59, ev0707, DeathDiman, 2683765, ostego,


39  Greece
2021-04-15 15:49:40

Muchas gracias

You welcome, cheers{#drinks.gif} 

2021-04-24 10:55:31


2021-04-27 06:56:02

очень приятный альбом (7++ из 10)

65  Ukraine
2021-05-11 17:01:52

Thanks,razor7 for such


39  Greece
2021-05-11 17:44:45

Thanks,razor7 for such


You welcome, cheers{#drinks.gif}

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