Solstice - Casting the Die

Solstice - Casting the Die
Style:Thrash Death Metal
Format:320 mp3
Size:97.50 MB
Seeded:Varg Respect  Antirespect
Solstice - Casting the Die
4.79/5 votes: 61
Added:04/05/2021 20:23:34
Downloaded:3287 (Taken - 3246) Seeded 7 Downloading 0
Last seeded:31/01/2025 04:11:58
Moderation:Moderated by Varg
Length / Продолжительность: 00:41:42

Tracks / Треклист:
01. The Altruist
02. Transparent
03. Who Bleeds Whom
04. Lifeline
05. Ignite
06. Outlast
07. Seven
08. Embellishment Exposed
09. Cast the Die
10. Eyes Sewn Shut
11. Scratch
gOreGolem200, lolo_69, zadar48, sphera, morehuman, pestbeule666, Barcena56, vicdias, SoundEater, sweetP, posternyak, joseang, Diewhie, Skarrface94, mrsly, Rythmdealer, istvan veres, icarohm, kr1egmetal, mityi65, Hardymetal666, evgenii484, atlas3728, Arisnfh111, let4ikmiha, Zuzu04, Nitsuga, thereverend, lemmy007, -Nachtmahr-, craine, thanatomorp, banger, priest antichrist, Ungoliant, nesticle8bit, isenstone, pigypig, betodeth, penumchrist, alien77, wargrinder, b_wojo, tootsbook, babybabayaga, zorel, Xavimetal32, jedimx, Eddie47, Shturm58, velasco, JanneFiH, CowsSayMoooo, draht, talopatalo, yazvitskiy ef, VSvaleryVS, Panzerbassen, robingub, KAOSWAR, suslovod, aris16, lorddragon67, Paul2016, joseff, mangled, waldiamiga, 5atan, thor67, albert66613, Metalmaloy, fuxo888888, Sixth666, Dogsvomit, alexbueno, ltibor, allonzo, vovas150, N360, terminator007, ozzy73, cey, aalio, pops074, NoReturN, serj71, vladoff665, sanek_baa, razor7, rosen, Artscald, gwar777, vader1388, Leprosy974, Kuntgrinder, serenobrak, vasmalac, wanderer73, micek5, THRASHEAD, ElboLiman, Will1978, cyberInFer, Catch86, Guy Guy, OliverQ, bulldogdan, JUAN CARLOS, ivannemec, galuche, dittohed213, peternorth, Moto_, Mercury752, neinta, TVM_75 , puzogore, War Hammer, sebakd, venom71, morgion, monkeespank, mayrink, Stahlreich, kosmatus, gekud, bril, андрюшик, db415, Дидахе, orphanage, Pepeargento, MiddleIndex, greatbone, hag0310, Alextoner, Greenbaum, destructionn, kostasblackwind, hfabioh, irissdael, robi1967, Perished1978, mtl666, Wender, profanus, Rockott, Alfi, Anatoly, elciocruz, pinkcream69, KingX, alexdamose, ev0707, barmalei, Dark Ser, rich74, kabr73, kot666,


2023-03-22 23:19:27

{#clapping.gif} super!!!!

59  Spain
2023-04-08 22:44:47

Wonderful, my friend, thank you so much {#yahoo.gif}

50  Portugal
2024-07-04 01:45:24

Thanks {#good3.gif}

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