01. Intro
02. Berserk (Bloodthirsty Warrior)
03. Wild Hunt Through Twelve Nights
04. Destiny of War
05. Oden's Wrath
06. The Way to Valhall
07. Ragnarok

01. The Night the Vikings arrive
02. Dead Man's Shore
03. Ravens over Midgard
04. Baldur's Dreams

01. Dead Man's Shore
02. The Night the Vikings Arrive
03. Wild Hunt Through Twelve Nights
04. Ragnarok
05. Oden's Wrath
06. Ravens over Midgard
07. Baldur's Dreams
08. The Way to Valhall
09. Tears in the Storm

01. Intro
02. In Memorial Fire
03. Fight for Decay
04. Everlasting Allegiance
05. Berserk
06. In the Shadow of Remembrance
07. Vafthrudnismal
08. Independent Realm
09. Ride into the Night
10. Waves of Sorrow
11. Meadguard

01. Preludium
02. Final Judgement Day
03. Enraged
04. Zuarina
05. Destiny
06. Grogaldr
07. Rise of Hel
08. Throughout the Darkness
09. Meereswut

01. Beware the Beast Man
02. Innocence Corroded
03. Lucid
04. Stars and Strife
05. World in Your Hands
06. Into the Unknown
07. Escape
08. Enemy Inside
09. As April Slowly Fades
10. Oceans

Immanuel Promnitz Drums
Florian Kunde Guitars, Vocals (2007-present)
See also: ex-The Alphes, Darragh
Daniel Hausschild Guitars (2014-present)
See also: ex-Human Debris
Martin Schmidt Bass (2016-present)