Creation Is Crucifixion - Antenna Builder | The Soldering Iron Gives Us Control

Creation Is Crucifixion - Antenna Builder | The Soldering Iron Gives Us Control
Style:Technical Metalcore
Additional:Mathcore, Noise Rock
Format:320 mp3
Size:150.41 MB
Seeded:40belowsummer Respect  Antirespect
Creation Is Crucifixion - Antenna Builder | The Soldering Iron Gives Us Control
5/5 votes: 2
Added:05/06/2021 14:22:20
Downloaded:206 (Taken - 230) Seeded 2 Downloading 0
Last seeded:21/12/2024 17:28:53
Moderation:Moderated by Varg
Length / Продолжительность: 00:57:23

Tracks / Треклист:
01 Antenna Builder AKA Engineer an Inverse Cellular Network
02 The Allegory of the Algorithm (or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Mimesis)
03 Subversion as a Tactical Metaphor AKA Species Traitor AKA Technology is our Iron Lung
04 The Iconography of John Henry AKA Eliza was a Program
05 Overture (Live)
06 Speech - Introduction (Live)
07 The Iconography of John Henry AKA Eliza Was a Program (Live)
08 The Perfection of Suicide is in its Ambiguity (Live)
09 Interlude - Nirdezneb (Live)
11 Child Autonomous AKA Shit on Your Providers (Live)
12 Subversion as a Tactical Metaphor a.k.a. Species Traitor a.k.a. Technology Is Our Iron Lung (live)
13 School Steals the Capacity for Autonomous Action AKA Micro-Consuming Machines (Live)
14 Gutter Tech AKA Mutation Engine (Live)
15 Speech - Gutter Tech (Live)
16 Gameboy AKA This Is Where Technology and Anarchy Fuck (Live)
17 The Allegory of the Algorithm (or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Mimesis)


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