Inferi - Discography (2007 - 2021)

Inferi - Discography (2007 - 2021)
Inferi - Discography (2007 - 2021)
Style:Technical Death Metal
Additional:Melodic Death Metal
Format:320 mp3
Size:914.66 MB
Seeded:Varg Respect  Antirespect
Inferi - Discography (2007 - 2021)
4.99/5 votes: 41
Added:09/09/2021 17:07:39
Downloaded:2712 (Taken - 3464) Seeded 16 Downloading 5
Last seeded:12/03/2025 20:24:09
Moderation:Moderated by Varg
Albums / Альбомы:
  2007 - Divinity In War
  2009 - The End Of An Era
  2014 - The Path Of Apotheosis
  2017 - Within The Dead Horizon (Single)
  2018 - Revenant (2CD)
  2019 - The End Of An Era (Rebirth)
  2020 - Of Sunless Realms (EP)
  2021 - Vile Genesis


D1rtyAn1mal, shalevaro, Boby002, Cliff1, Sodomic6, LP Beria, Apofis58, Drahmathon, carlosrod, zadar48, VroVero, PavelBezliky, pestbeule666, Barcena56, kakszilajos, sweetP, DarcRivera, skorpio7, lodjica, jesus13, mrsly, void003, traveller, asteroid impact, kr1egmetal, metalnuke, Hardymetal666, atlas3728, kazeraplo, Nitsuga, KILLER_, etownman1985, TA78, -Nachtmahr-, Beyond_Oblivion, The Goat Reaper, ash945, metaller92, matvik, LordHeimdall, nesticle8bit, Phantom Lord, AKAfujek , Serg3777, 4b10, Skok, zorel, elpepo, Lemartes, E_Zann, axiopolis, Sentinel79, JanneFiH, snglthret, Evolizer, clayj79, ConquerAll, Skvllkrvsher, VSvaleryVS, dissection16, robingub, Андрей С 1975, MAXtDie, suslovod, fdr1969, flakes82, olegkom, FePeGe, moris7, Paul2016, joseff, mangled, alexisilenoz, WickedBastard001, alucard2991, xariton, heavenshallburn, Khazaztroph, Deather997, skribb, The Preacher, hexthor, johnlord, Infor, myrath666, w1zz1, vladoff665, ohdaesoo81, galusik5, simple_guy7, Artscald, manuel89, crapouille, vader1388, wanderer73, hellraiser98, ElboLiman, Will1978, cyberInFer, rockhead, Catch86, LordOfTheWasteland, CzajnikGrozy, 666PoisonSnake, tears_of_fire, masterdavid, rek1989_11, fanfan87, hoher666, khaozreigns, kragdob, monkeespank, Kingvile, bourkek, arhat2012, GrandHeron, bril, андрюшик, epica93, FuKt, Дидахе, Lasea, Thiago999, hfabioh, robi1967, Daysbetween, AnDRONik696, karol100, muratko, KRuZY1, vaniaradi, wenkan, tobik, kreator1976, Booyakasha, pantherace, pivi90,


2023-06-05 23:54:48


2024-10-06 23:58:05

Merci beaucoup!! :)

2024-12-10 02:20:20


666  Brazil
2024-12-31 00:54:23

Thanks for sharing! You have a good ear for music my friend!!

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