Sabaton - The Great Show 20th Anniversary Show: Live at Wacken (Live) (Blu-Ray)

Sabaton - The Great Show 20th Anniversary Show: Live at Wacken (Live) (Blu-Ray)
Style:Power Metal
Size:43.70 GB
Seeded:Slayx Respect  Antirespect
Sabaton - The Great Show 20th Anniversary Show: Live at Wacken (Live) (Blu-Ray)
4.97/5 votes: 18
Added:21/11/2021 17:33:44
Downloaded:841 (Taken - 972) Seeded 5 Downloading 0
Last seeded:25/04/2024 01:07:21
Moderation:Moderated by andrwgldmn
Video quality/ Качество видео: MPEG-4 AVC Video / 26998 kbps / 1080p / 24 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
Sound quality / Качество звука: Аудио#1: LPCM Audio / 2.0 / 48 kHz / 1536 kbps / 16-bit
Length / Продолжительность: 03:46:12

  The Great Show
  20th Anniversary Show: Live at Wacken


2021-11-27 20:17:48

Thanks! Also in mkv?

2021-11-27 20:21:24

Thanks for the upload; but just a question if someone may help... Shouldn't the blu ray folders contain a folder called "CERTICATE" apart from the BDMV that contain? I am trying to burn to BD and it seems I am having the same problem juliomagna75 is mentioning....
Thanks in advance

2021-11-28 04:25:16

This wasn't decryted won't work!{#umnik2.gif}

2021-11-30 19:41:53

i need the CERTIFICATE folder to burn correctly. Someone have another option for burn?

2022-01-23 05:45:58

Please Upload wacken in MP3 or Flac and both in MP4 !!! (prefer the wacken in mp3 or flac)

2022-06-02 17:28:43

Gracias por el aporte.

2022-09-24 21:19:43

Unable to play without CERTIFICATE folder

2023-08-24 00:03:02


2024-03-05 17:13:05

Amazing!!! Thanks!!!

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