Voices - Breaking the Trauma Bond

Voices - Breaking the Trauma Bond
Style:Progressive Black Metal
Additional:Death Metal
Country:United Kingdom
Format:320 mp3
Size:162.30 MB
Seeded:CowsSayMoooo Respect  Antirespect
Voices - Breaking the Trauma Bond
4.96/5 votes: 14
Added:25/11/2021 17:13:17
Downloaded:1026 (Taken - 1086) Seeded 3 Downloading 0
Last seeded:26/04/2024 08:36:59
Moderation:Moderated by Che
Length / Продолжительность:

Tracks / Треклист:
01. A Field Without Crows
02. Breaking The Trauma Bond
03. An Audience Of Mannequins
04. Lilacs In-Between
05. Ghost City
06. Petrograph
07. Methods Of Madness
08. Running Away
09. Absent Equilibrium
10. Beckoning Shadows
11. My Sick Mind
12. Whispers
13. The Widower
14. Kaleidoscope Of Thorns
15. She Speaks To Him In A Dream
16. Photographs Of A Storm Passing Overhead


2021-11-25 19:47:11


2021-11-27 10:57:04

Dos servessa sinjor :)

2021-11-29 21:02:02

На любителя

42  South Africa
2021-12-16 22:40:58

Listen, I decided to end the music. You can thank malice for that.

You soulless idiots can't even understand that goverment means "to control the mind".

While you capitulate to their "viral" projections, you are lost.

I'm closing the gates and adjusting the sun. You heartless, soulless fucks are being eradicated.

I am glad we are disconnected forever, because you are unworthy. And I will not be perpetuating, rebirthing or any of that shit.

Ultimate annihilation.


2021-12-25 21:17:57


2021-12-29 21:04:33


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