Revocation - Netherheaven

Revocation - Netherheaven
Style:Technical Death Metal
Additional:Thrash Metal
Format:320 mp3
Size:104.02 MB
Seeded:Varg Respect  Antirespect
Revocation - Netherheaven
4.95/5 votes: 85
Added:08/09/2022 13:20:44
Downloaded:6156 (Taken - 4979) Seeded 28 Downloading 0
Last seeded:03/03/2025 03:44:56
Moderation:Moderated by Varg
Length / Продолжительность: 00:44:50

Tracks / Треклист:
01. Diabolical Majesty (04:56)
02. Lessons in Occult Theft (05:39)
03. Nihilistic Violence (05:04)
04. Strange and Eternal (05:52)
05. Galleries of Morbid Artistry (05:25)
06. The 9th Chasm (03:37)
07. Godforsaken (04:45)
08. The Intervening Abyss of Untold Aeons (05:43)
09. Re-Crucified (03:44)
lolo_69, lichinka, zorgs77, wicked003, KramerUSA, carlosrod, zadar48, Mojtaba, Paidi, morehuman, Ханыга, MysticPlastic, Wolfman85, voador, sweetP, death9841, harpan13, DarcRivera, posternyak, metalgreg, rebuscador, JPvato, asteroid impact, kr1egmetal, metalnuke, let4ikmiha, metallextrem, Forhekset88, dcsa full of hell, Kurremkarmerruk, -Nachtmahr-, Kristof, redamned, Beyond_Oblivion, gnarkill, banger, SerpentDave, yellowcat, mrwacky, Optimist, priest antichrist, metaller92, AKAfujek , arthur, xoctav, betodeth, McalvinoV, blackivan, garrett156, alex727391, Yoha, Metalisawesome, tonyl85, wargrinder, Gnoi, anationonfire, babybabayaga, zorel, jedimx, BTO, VinterVegan, velasco, KRAMP2, ddcska, JanneFiH, lak, Carlos_EVH, snglthret, Evolizer, johnnyquad02, talopatalo, 8core, VSvaleryVS, Panzerbassen, robingub, carlosflores, kisvakond, KAOSWAR, suslovod, slayerist, karnab, moris7, Paul2016, joseff, mxibrahim2, Амита, elbastardo1b, WickedBastard001, Hey You, albert66613, alucard2991, cranioclast, xariton, fkinf300, Sixth666, LotusEater84, ltibor, allonzo, N360, MeRoCo, i am, judgekraken, Godsnake, johnlord, cey, viking15, myrath666, w1zz1, NoReturN, Jonah Hex, tiseev1975, Artscald, gwar777, manuel89, Kawada, patapl, crapouille, vader1388, fuzzbomb, panos74, Steene, nacrimson, lucifugefromhell, SOWWTB, wanderer73, acharetidis, hellraiser98, ElboLiman, Will1978, cyberInFer, Catch86, Rafael_Dantas, Guy Guy, LordOfTheWasteland, krentz, Seinfeld, JUAN CARLOS, ivannemec, revan88, Abhorrent, peternorth, jlconrado, TheDarkLordJJ, Deathroo, puzogore, fanfan87, redskinfankorea, nyro37, khaozreigns, sunkab, cannibalistico, sebakd, khonsu, faktor69, monkeespank, andres1982, Stahlreich, Drummer44, majestas leprosus, gekud, GrandHeron, bril, андрюшик, Sedoy 72, epica93, db415, Дидахе, Nikolai_K, greatbone, behemoth_tut, Alextoner, Beer Baron, Dinozavr, ominous 666, Xandy profano, swebarb, robi1967, yanitz, asmorod, Wender, profanus, ortegajohny, sandrolord, DetMoroz, karol100, muratko, vaniaradi, amos22, Anatoly, pinkcream69, Epi1, pantherace, ev0707, krupskii, barmalei, kabr73, kot666, N73, pivi90,


2023-05-27 12:43:46

thank you!

2023-10-31 18:17:09


2024-01-21 18:40:12

Great production! These guys are pretty heavy. I'm hooked. 8-10

2024-04-18 04:02:17


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