Goatwhore - Angels Hung from the Arches of Heaven

Goatwhore - Angels Hung from the Arches of Heaven
Style:Black Death Metal
Additional:Thrash Metal
Format:320 mp3
Size:109.34 MB
Seeded:Varg Respect  Antirespect
Goatwhore - Angels Hung from the Arches of Heaven
4.95/5 votes: 58
Added:06/10/2022 13:39:28
Downloaded:4209 (Taken - 3527) Seeded 14 Downloading 0
Last seeded:13/03/2025 16:10:06
Moderation:Moderated by Varg
Length / Продолжительность: 00:47:11

Tracks / Треклист:
01. Invocation 3 (01:25)
02. Born of Satan's Flesh (04:08)
03. The Bestowal of Abomination (04:29)
04. Angels Hung from the Arches of Heaven (04:54)
05. Death from Above (03:32)
06. Ruinous Liturgy (03:42)
07. Victory Is the Lightning of Destruction (03:22)
08. Voracious Blood Fixation (03:49)
09. The Devil's Warlords (04:19)
10. Weight of a Soulless Heart (04:07)
11. Nihil (03:12)
12. And I Was Delivered from the Wound of Perdition (06:05)
Kai_Metalhead, LP Beria, Drahmathon, carlosrod, 8bitWhiskey, zadar48, Mojtaba, ReverendX, Paidi, VroVero, Barcena56, kakszilajos, Wolfman85, voador, sweetP, death9841, DarcRivera, IGOR1085, posternyak, Marsound, hellbarrabas, rebuscador, novajimmer, JPvato, mrsly, fripouilloux, kr1egmetal, Hardymetal666, atlas3728, rrangel, let4ikmiha, teuton70, Forhekset88, Nitsuga, -Nachtmahr-, redamned, Beyond_Oblivion, darzamat8, Moopert, thule59, McalvinoV, blackivan, Yoha, Holewek, wargrinder, nabb, anationonfire, babybabayaga, Xavimetal32, jedimx, Sentinel79, JanneFiH, snglthret, Jebtheknight, Evolizer, sopot14, BlaspherionFLUL, van dooom, 8core, Zandooki, VSvaleryVS, Panzerbassen, picasso3, kisvakond, KAOSWAR, suslovod, fdr1969, karnab, moris7, lorddragon67, joseff, mxibrahim2, elbastardo1b, albert66613, laurent-bonma, alucard2991, cranioclast, colter, xariton, fkinf300, ltibor, allonzo, smokeitnowmaan, i am, judgekraken, ozzy73, Godsnake, johnlord, Crusader64, Slayerofsouls, myrath666, serj71, Jonah Hex, Artscald, gwar777, tivkiot_bob, crapouille, vader1388, fuzzbomb, Kuntgrinder, panos74, nacrimson, mparion, vasmalac, wanderer73, weekendheadbanger, ElboLiman, Zevango, Will1978, cyberInFer, OliverQ, purplejane231, nergal_999, soultaker88, JUAN CARLOS, galuche, locometal, peternorth, Moto_, dhg13, TheDarkLordJJ, mayorofarta, puzogore, fanfan87, gogiss48, anarkeos, War Hammer, Dusan Ivkovic9, bozhok74, doom2013, mayrink, bourkek, nagumo, kosmatus, bril, mattia, epica93, db415, Alextoner, Dinozavr, elk666, robi1967, sylenoz, yanitz, thrashbanger, killbull, evilbo666, ghoh, massiargo, muratko, vaniaradi, Anatoly, CORPSEMIXA, Epi1, KingX, tobik, psychoholic222, kukliatka, ev0707, santa998, kot666, pivi90,


2022-10-13 11:41:49

Мощнейшая шикардень.

2022-10-15 12:05:13


59  Portugal
2022-10-25 22:26:07


2022-12-08 16:47:02

Terimakasih VARG! Kamu KEREN!

33  Brazil
2024-05-03 04:38:19

MetalGod bless you /,,/

2025-02-01 01:39:32


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