Ember Sun - Discography (2021 - 2022)
Description: | |
Albums / Альбомы: 2021 - On Earth and Heaven 2022 - Eleusis | |
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ugorazd, th0d0r1s, carlosrod, zadar48, Mojtaba, Gru45 , _Destroyer_, sweetP, Marsound, AbysmalTorment, atlas3728, master772 , Nicolay Povolotskiy , TA78, trupigor, -Nachtmahr-, appeltje, MeTr59, Yoha, шапито, JINTONIC-13, JanneFiH, Doomdead, MASTER 72, Vinland318, joseff, Satura6666, tror76, smokeitnowmaan, myrath666, sanek_baa, Artscald, ciderlord, Zevango, cyberInFer, gyurma, galuche, kragdob, epica93, Neon Orion, sylenoz, mas17, vaniaradi, alex111, kukliatka, FuneralWolf, |
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Не плохо
Но хотелось бы по мрачнее
brutally awesome,Varg! thks