Skrewdriver - Discography (1977 - 1994)

Skrewdriver - Discography (1977 - 1994)
Additional:Hard Rock
Country:United Kingdom
Format:320 mp3
Size:1.00 GB
Seeded:Nattens Madrigal Respect  Antirespect
Skrewdriver - Discography (1977 - 1994)
4.4/5 votes: 32
Added:14/01/2023 05:59:13
Downloaded:1102 (Taken - 911) Seeded 3 Downloading 0
Last seeded:07/03/2025 05:36:09
Moderation:Moderated by DetMoroz
Albums / Альбомы:
1977 - All Skrewed Up
1984 - Hail the New Dawn
1985 - Blood & Honour
1987 - White Rider
1988 - After the Fire
1989 - Warlord
1990 - Boots and Braces/Voice of Britain
1991 - The Strong Survive
1992 - Freedom What Freedom
1994 - Hail Victory
1994 - Land On Fire


44  France
2023-01-16 10:54:20

Thanks for sharing this gem


The more NS bands the better, keep em coming guys


antifa SJW pussies can yell till they want  {#blum2.gif}

65  United Kingdom
2023-02-19 23:43:33

crevardo, you are a racist piece of shit you lowlife bastard


2023-02-22 16:56:59

Thanks for sharing this gem


Hail the new dawn 1488


antifa duff pussie can go and die, fuck off woke loser {#blum2.gif}


2023-09-26 00:01:25

Thanks! 88

2023-10-01 19:03:03


2024-02-15 04:36:58

Thanks for the upload

2024-02-27 01:21:48

wtf is this racist shite doing on here? :(

2024-02-28 18:07:13


2024-10-07 20:20:23

Thanks for The Upload!

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