RizzeTedeza, metaltrackergood, AndyD, Duha 87, jepser, YngwarR, Otgerquerbus, GJG2021, Barcena56, aguila, voador, VikingOle, metalgreg, Marsound, joseang, ultron2020, JPvato, risingforce, mityi65, stoleg66, benton666666, vpetya68, Nighti01, priest antichrist, tan222, Triad1970, xoctav, xantippe, blackivan, Yoha, jedimx, steven, E_Zann, ansalon, ayrtonoliva, JanneFiH, Jebtheknight, rusho, talopatalo, DHawkmoon, UbuntuMetal, schnolgi, ricoko, Panzerbassen, judas priest 1, Ortiz68, BlsDisciple, voivodoid, TechnicolorMan, suslovod, karnab, moris7, lorddragon67, eg89gh, bumbalumba, dronick, Scallywag, elbastardo1b, paulricard, suroja, Jupiler, camart72, Phek1957, stormcrow4, Pedulla, xariton, elcorreas69, Metalos65, kapex1664, alstorm71, akalmukov1980, allonzo, RollinThunda, N360, pszicho, nordufa, progmet, beerlover2412, johnlord, cey, aalio, cariboo, Vosje, Crusader64, CycoMacke, myrath666, dablitz, Pablo19, carpathia, wolf2, robscrew, Shandor, vamprose, andremtso, Steene, hagari, ElboLiman, Simkee, psouzaps, cyberInFer, Piscis, tomazinio, shef163, RoRoGROSLOUIS, britmouse, yadida, MusicMystro, stayros69, tundra, misulake, galuche, dittohed213, nzdeus, mayorofarta, fanfan87, johnmangini , monkeespank, prisma, kosmatus, SPARTAN, chyci, katatonik76, Alextoner, lemodic, olegcap17, gravedigger, irissdael, robi1967, walkingdead, huggybear, muratko, pasa73, bangmaster, cini65, mas17, amos22, gatemis, AligerO, leonidka59, ev0707, zyb, ostego, |
Thank you
Album of the Year so far for me - fucking immense.
SHINY! Many thanks for sharing this. I look forward to checking this album out! Cheers from Oz.
great album !!!