First Fragment & Heavy Metal Shrapnel - Split (EP)

First Fragment & Heavy Metal Shrapnel - Split (EP)
Style:Technical Death Metal
Additional:Heavy Metal
Format:320 mp3
Size:21.99 MB
Seeded:DetMoroz Respect  Antirespect
First Fragment & Heavy Metal Shrapnel - Split (EP)
5/5 votes: 2
Added:19/08/2023 11:10:18
Downloaded:230 (Taken - 225) Seeded 5 Downloading 0
Last seeded:08/05/2024 23:18:07
Moderation:Moderated by DetMoroz
Country: Canada / USA

Length / Продолжительность:

Tracks / Треклист:
01 First Fragment - Solus (Instrumental)
02 Heavy Metal Shrapnel - Death's Embrace


2023-08-19 14:37:16

As a student, I found solace in the split tape that showcases the ultimate dueling 80s shredding mastery by Quebecois neoclassical tech death virtuosos FIRST FRAGMENT, coupled with the raw energy of American glam heavy metallers HEAVY METAL SHRAPNEL. This musical fusion fueled both my creative energy and my commitment to excellence, just as I do when assisting fellow scholars through Online Dissertation Help Near Me. Much like the dynamic blend of genres, my academic pursuits and support endeavors intertwine, both demanding precision, passion, and a relentless pursuit of perfection.

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