Marduk - Discography (1991 - 2023)

Marduk - Discography (1991 - 2023)
Marduk - Discography (1991 - 2023)
Style:Black Metal
Format:320 mp3
Size:5.55 GB
Seeded:Varg Respect  Antirespect
Marduk - Discography (1991 - 2023)
4.99/5 votes: 82
Added:31/08/2023 17:22:16
Downloaded:3130 (Taken - 6542) Seeded 32 Downloading 22
Last seeded:07/03/2025 05:34:19
Moderation:Moderated by Varg
Albums / Альбомы:
  EP, Single, Demo
  Studio Albums:


Purity666, gravemouth, Metal Abby, Suton, sisaswaos, Morgoth583, Remorseless, ecm666, rustedMG42, scapegoat, рюрик60, Quake99, Blackcrowned, level116, gOreGolem200, Boby002, Cliff1, METALLURG74, amvicente, Shantaya, AndyD, adokor, zorgs77, wicked003, JohanHegg87, KramerUSA, Rockabilly, Apofis58, MsEcho, DennFZX, exile79, haaze2019, Fenrir79, PAGANЕЦ, Azretier, zadar48, SZ James, Paidi, VroVero, sethmorley1969, metalleux666, bleedformistress, vicdias, Wolfman85, Silenoz, Zyklon1988, Anarchist80, death9841, eloizinho, arc666, posternyak, Slaytanic1939, rebuscador, Konn, JPvato, Alex Dark, lestat4593, Дюран, kr1egmetal, Hardymetal666, atlas3728, stoleg66, mortuus777, teuton70, Forhekset88, Leindinrun, Nitsuga, Djevel, -Nachtmahr-, zonata07, deform_, chambermk, Beyond_Oblivion, akis 28, kotofey1983, priest antichrist, metaller92, Gardaal, eliteeins1, arthur, Rarentino, thule59, vazdu, ToTheDepths, tomasz616, astronaut1911, alien77, Goathier, stavpiss, Waterbong, ericdraven76, Jabukodonosor, Sentinel79, manrique, JanneFiH, lak, Vaho, Evolizer, sopot14, Viking1966, draht, Skvllkrvsher, MMuerto, yazvitskiy ef, VSvaleryVS, Gektor72, Panzerbassen, picasso3, dissection16, kisvakond, kallem666, suslovod, fdr1969, aris16, moris7, Paul2016, noirmath, mangled, dronick, Jupiler, messia, skirrow, padanin, albert66613, camart72, uranya, suicidaldepression, DistortedPortrait, blacksatyr01, Dogsvomit, prepucerobuste, rottenhead, varlata666, MrSlonsky, kisoun, Nemetz, abdul666, w1zz1, serj71, elymetal, vladoff665, galusik5, simple_guy7, ivanpatroclo, gwar777, Freedomka, crapouille, vader1388, trollhot, Leprosy974, nasos73, panos74, Steene, mparion, Vovka20081, ElboLiman, Gustyka, Zevango, Will1978, ricknroll, Ordinance, jcdiazg, Arczi666, LordOfTheWasteland, 666PoisonSnake, soultaker88, bulldogdan, ozzman, waclav_666, HavocHaunter, Hellwar, belverk, Moto_, TVM_75 , TheDarkLordJJ, наско георгиев, LazarShadow, kragdob, Draconiis666, Cold Space, bourkek, warmaster, Hendrik Mobus, dimon7700, majestas leprosus, MpaK, андрюшик, orphanage, elguardiannegro, katatonik76, Alextoner, blizzardbeast, Beer Baron, Dinozavr, CruxSimplex, lokiju, hfabioh, yanitz, kacsa, evilbo666, profanus, Sasha29Mad, Tankist75, massiargo, sandrolord, vedomysl19, DetMoroz, savmit, branislav, vaniaradi, bennydrago, zyrby, tobik, jack87, kukliatka, Onirico, rus2540, rich74, Lorduys, kot666, ostego, N73, ateist90, pivi90,


50  Russia
2024-08-19 12:56:50



2024-10-06 19:41:44


50  USSR
2024-12-20 08:44:21

I've had a whack of Marduk in my collection forever, that I barely ever listened to.. I put some on recently, and eventually found it to be enjoyable, so downloaded some bits of this discography... Very good! I know all you Marduk fans don't need me to tell you this stuff is good.

Listening to album "Memento Mori" now.. I like it quite a bit !! Intense, has a weird elektronik-sounding bass guitar or synth in the background sometimes, akoustikally sinister.. Music a bit like what could be used in a horror film where the bloodied terrified people are being chased, are about to be caught by &%$k#@% lunatics with blunt instruments.

Total of 8 new Marduk albums for me to listen to here. Great! Thanks, Varg.

2025-01-27 02:22:32


47  Russia
2025-03-04 22:47:05


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