Colosus - Blestem

Colosus - Blestem
Style:Atmospheric Black Metal
Country:United Kingdom
Format:320 mp3
Size:154.42 MB
Seeded:DarkSun Respect  Antirespect
Colosus - Blestem
4.63/5 votes: 7
Added:28/03/2024 22:05:26
Downloaded:240 (Taken - 297) Seeded 2 Downloading 0
Last seeded:30/01/2025 06:17:13
Moderation:Moderated by DarkSun
Length / Продолжительность: 01:05:41

Tracks / Треклист:

01 - Desertaciune
02 - Mormant
03 - Intuneric
04 - Blestem
05 - Dorinta
06 - La Apus
07 - Red Snow (ColdWorld cover)
08 - Pustiu

Encyclopaedia Metallum



50  USSR
2024-03-29 11:40:36

Very good. This will join Wyrd, Agalloch, and others in my atmospheric collection.

I like that the majority of it is not overshadowed by too much constant staccato snare drums; I prefer rhythmic / constant double-bass, more droning (not the right word) for a long time, changing gradually, rather than unexpectedly quadrupling in volume and changing from relaxing to kakophony by suprise. Track #1 starts quiet and gets loud, but I found the rest of the album suited me fine (track #1 may suit me fine too when it is not 0530 in the morning) and it played in the background without any further suprises. Thank you, DarkSun.

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