Мракобес - Черна Мъст

Мракобес - Черна Мъст
Style:Black Folk Metal
Format:320 (YouTube rip)
Size:99.07 MB
Seeded:vaniaradi Respect  Antirespect
Мракобес - Черна Мъст
4.73/5 votes: 16
Added:03/09/2024 09:31:57
Downloaded:268 (Taken - 279) Seeded 4 Downloading 0
Last seeded:19/03/2025 16:32:15
Moderation:Moderated by vaniaradi
Length / Продолжительность: 00:41:07

Tracks / Треклист:

01. Гробът на стария бог (Tomb of the Old God) (07:38)
02. Черна мъст (Dark Retribution) (06:04)
03. Седем храма на змията (Seven Temples of the Snake) (05:15)
04. От баща на сина (From Father to Son) (06:34)
05. Трима братя (Three Brothers) (04:38)
06. Празен ме чака студеният гроб (The Cold Empty Grave Awaits Me) (05:36)
07. Бездната на неродените сенки (The Abyss of Unborn Shadows) (05:21)


2024-09-04 16:04:34


2024-09-04 21:12:46

Не плохо местами даже очень ничего 06. Празен ме чака студеният гроб (The Cold Empty Grave Awaits Me){#yes3.gif} местами напомнило Enslaved 97

2024-09-04 22:26:20

Thanks so much !!!!

50  USSR
2025-01-31 22:30:51

#2 of 7 in today's exploration of Bulgarian music.

This album is quite good, but not precisely to my tastes, so it gets a higher star rating than I\m going to give it right here. Nothing wrong with it at all, just not my preference of style. (Why did I choose it then? I selected the 7 based on number of seeders, then genre, assuming more seeders implies more popular music.)

There's no missing the folk components - it's definitely folk metal, but more metal than folk. But it has a strong presence of black or death metal, a bit too much for me in the case of folk metal (yes, I see it is black folk metal). I prefer perhaps more fun folk metal, trolls and beer, whereas this is quite heavy, much like melodic black or death metal, and it's epic at times also.

I liked it about 7 / 10 but this is just me -- it gets a better rating up there in the stars.

Thank you vaniaradi, for this opportunity to hear some Bulgarian black folk metal!

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