Even Flow - Discography (2017 - 2024)

Even Flow - Discography (2017 - 2024)
Even Flow - Discography (2017 - 2024)
Style:Progressive Metal
Format:320 mp3
Size:335.98 MB
Seeded:vaniaradi Respect  Antirespect
Even Flow - Discography (2017 - 2024)
4.94/5 votes: 16
Added:24/09/2024 10:34:30
Downloaded:265 (Taken - 453) Seeded 3 Downloading 1
Last seeded:22/12/2024 14:50:55
Moderation:Moderated by vaniaradi
Albums / Альбомы:

2017 - Life Has Just Begun
2019 - Mother (EP)
2020 - Aleichem Shalom (Single)
2020 - Into My Life (Single)
2022 - Mediterraneo (EP)
2024 - Rinascimento (VBR spectre)



2024-09-25 21:02:01

Thank you a lot !!!


So sad that the following are missing:


Dream Weaver (Demo, 2008)

Ancient Memories (Full-length, 2011)

Flower Paths (EP, 2013)

Ocean Lies (Single, 2021)

Ray of Light (Single, 2021)

Maloa (Single, 2023)

In the Night (Single, 2024)

Winter Sun (Single, 2024)

Back on the Streets (Single, 2024)


... may be the singles can be heard in Full-Length albums, but is really sad to lose EP's and a full album .

However, great job and effort to compile what is given here !

41  Bulgaria
2024-09-26 09:54:25

Thank you a lot !!!


So sad that the following are missing:


Yes, it is definitely so, they are missing. and this is a fact which for the time being it is impossible for me to change.

63  Russia
2024-09-26 10:02:57

Стоящий здесь только альбом 17-го года.

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