Flashback Of Anger - Discography (2009 - 2024)

Flashback Of Anger - Discography (2009 - 2024)
Style:Melodic Power Metal
Additional:Progressive Metal
Format:320 mp3
Size:496.86 MB
Seeded:Niceden Respect  Antirespect
Flashback Of Anger - Discography (2009 - 2024)
4.94/5 votes: 18
Added:26/09/2024 00:39:47
Downloaded:516 (Taken - 743) Seeded 9 Downloading 2
Last seeded:19/03/2025 16:57:13
Moderation:Moderated by Niceden
Albums / Альбомы:

  2009 - Splinters of Life
  2014 - Terminate and Stay Resident
  2018 - Shades
  2024 - Prisoner of War





2024-09-26 02:54:37

gracias :)

2024-09-26 10:32:09


29  USA
2024-09-26 12:17:07

Thnx {#dance4.gif}

2024-09-26 14:57:09

Thank you very much !!!!

I can get the "Numbers" and "Enemy's Eyes" Singles, but can someone bring the "Panta Rei" and "Off With My Heart" demos?

Please tell me how to do to give you the singles so you can update the post, if you want, of course

The difference between listening to the song from the full-length albun and listening it from the single is none, musically talking. It's only a collector's stuff, to have the song with a cover image and aside but along the main album. 

Oon the other hand, the demos are unvaluable, since they offer a rawer, more crude song and they are significantly different than the album version, they are jewels that should have been cared off and brought back to light

Greetings again, thank you a lot, best regards

47  France
2024-09-28 09:57:16

Merci beaucoup !! {#good3.gif}{#thank_you.gif}

2024-10-02 12:13:37


49  Ukraine
2024-10-06 17:52:30

Очень и очень неплохо!

2024-10-28 12:39:30

Мне не понарвилось.

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