Black Howling - Discography (2003 - 2018)

Black Howling - Discography (2003 - 2018)
Style:Black Metal
Format:320 mp3
Size:1.53 GB
Seeded:Arjomadu Respect  Antirespect
Black Howling - Discography (2003 - 2018)
4.13/5 votes: 3
Added:06/11/2024 00:34:45
Downloaded:103 (Taken - 155) Seeded 3 Downloading 0
Last seeded:13/03/2025 10:20:44
Moderation:Moderated by vaniaradi
Albums / Альбомы:

2003 - Forgotten Land, Throne And Crown (Upconvert)
2003 - Flagellation Reigns Eternity (Demo) (Upconvert)
2004 - Unholy Rehearsal (Demo) (Upconvert)
2004 - Wolf Metal (EP) (Upconvert)
2004 - Black Howling & Front Beast (Split) (Upconvert)
2005 - Condenação... (Split) (Upconvert)
2006 - Frustração (Demo) (Upconvert)
2006 - ...Pela Memória Dos Antepassados (Split) (Upconvert)
2007 - Alma... Uma Floresta De Dor (Upconvert)
2007 - Os Seis Caminhos Para A Verdade... (Split) (Upconvert)
2008 - Black Howling & Hypothermia (Split) (Upconvert)
2008 - Black Howling & Marbh (Split) (Upconvert)
2009 - Destino Negro Como Céus Invernais (Demo) (Upconvert)
2010 - Melancholy Of A Pagan Bucolic Spirit
2010 - A Soul Departed To The Unknown (EP)
2011 - The Reclaiming Of Our Ancient Glory (Demo) (Upconvert)
2011 - Black Howling & Ostots (Split) (Upconvert)
2011 - A Mandala Of White Light (Split) (VBR spectre)
2012 - This Rain Is The Weeping Of Forefathers
2012 - Por Montes E Vales Sombrios (Split) (Upconvert)
2015 - O Sangue E A Terra
2018 - Return Of Primordial Stillness


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