Zverzost - Мракоуст

Zverzost - Мракоуст
Style:Black Metal
Format:320 (VBR spectre)
Size:86.47 MB
Seeded:Merrimen Respect  Antirespect
Zverzost - Мракоуст
4.67/5 votes: 6
Added:21/12/2024 22:15:27
Downloaded:47 (Taken - 72) Seeded 15 Downloading 1
Last seeded:22/12/2024 08:55:58
Moderation:Moderated by Niceden
Length / Продолжительность: 00:36:48

Tracks / Треклист:
01 - Мракоуст
02 - Миф
03 - Фанатик
04 - Приход
05 - Апокатастасис
06 - Абсолют
07 - Мощи
08 - Чёрная баня
09 - От рождения к праху
10 - Тишина в глазах


46  USSR
2024-12-21 22:16:34

50  USSR
2024-12-22 03:43:36

Hey, thanks, Merrimen!

I just noticed that there is this great music playing while I am not paying attention... Investigated and found it to be this Zverzost. First thing I have downloaded with "Crust" anywhere in it. Had to try and see what this is about.

Interesting, hard to categorize precisely.. It is heavy, and fairly fast, thrashy speeds sometimes, other times more slowly and sinister. Some kind of scratchy Industrial sound to it, making me think of a blackened Ministry (is that the crusty bit?).. Death metal vocals, some agonized wailing... Crazy & slightly nauseating lead guitar, good for accompanying a silent David Cronenberg film.... Solid bass guitar, bassy drums that rumble the floor.....

7++ / 10 ... Take my rating with a grain of sand, since I have no other crusts to compare it to. It's good!

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