Phear - Discography (2015 - 2025)

Phear - Discography (2015 - 2025)
Phear - Discography (2015 - 2025)
Style:Thrash Heavy Metal
Format:320 mp3
Size:461.50 MB
Seeded:razor7 Respect  Antirespect
Phear - Discography (2015 - 2025)
4/5 votes: 9
Added:13/02/2025 00:58:50
Downloaded:330 (Taken - 483) Seeded 13 Downloading 1
Last seeded:19/03/2025 16:33:41
Moderation:Moderated by Niceden
Albums / Альбомы:

2015 - Insanitarium (Upconvert)
2017 - The Curse Lives On (Re-released 2020) (EP) (Upconvert)
2025 - Save Our Souls (VBR spectre)




64  Russia
2025-02-13 13:06:49

Если вы жаждете звучания винтажного пауэра и трэш-метала с прог-нотками, то есть быстро развивающаяся группа, которая идеально подходит под это описание - Phear. Круто!

2025-02-13 14:19:49


50  USSR
2025-02-13 17:45:54

This is nice music...

... but too nice for me, too tame, too melodic, lacking power.

Not what I had expected and hoped for of "Thrash". I think, blackivan, you may have identified part of my problem with it: progressiveness. But even so, it's way too.... glammy, or power-metally,  something.. Well, we can't win them all, yes? {#don-t_mention.gif}

Thank you razor7 for your efforts to share this with us!

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