Temair - Discography (2024 - 2025)

Temair - Discography (2024 - 2025)
Style:Black Death Metal
Additional:Melodic Metal
Format:320 mp3
Size:198.86 MB
Seeded:vaniaradi Respect  Antirespect
Temair - Discography (2024 - 2025)
4.65/5 votes: 7
Added:18/03/2025 10:57:20
Downloaded:124 (Taken - 195) Seeded 24 Downloading 7
Last seeded:19/03/2025 18:16:34
Moderation:Moderated by vaniaradi
Albums / Альбомы:

2024 - Engineers of Transgression
2025 - Worlds Ablaze



50  USSR
2025-03-18 16:34:35

Solo artist from Boyne Valley, Ireland... Cool...

Ranging from apocalyptically thick and heavy, to melodic and a bit modern (but mostly the thick heavy part). Impressive work, talented musician. Musically, falling mostly in the blackened death department. Lyrical themes (some anyhow) discussing how we are rapidly destroying the planet we inhabit.

From the 2024 album, I think my favourite track is #4 but I'll listen to this all again. Now, for 2025...

50  USSR
2025-03-18 17:08:06

2025... Perhaps a slightly refined / improved sound?

More of a heavy melodic black metal sound, in the percussion and particularly in the guitar style and track arrangement. And an overall faster pace, while the vocal style is pretty much death metal.. I prefer this album over the 2024; it's a tiny bit less apocalyptically heavy, and it's more musical; the pace and guitar techniques bring to mind thoughts of people carelessly standing too close to dangerous machinery, the morbid fascination of what will happen next..

There's a clean track in the middle, I don't care for it-- atmospheric / depressive doom-metal song..

On second thought I like both albums similarly-- not absolutely love them, but like them! {#declare.gif}

Thanks, vaniaradi, for sharing this Irish talent with us.


2025-03-18 21:31:11


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