Joey Genoni - Guitar
Jacques Serrano -Voice
Matt Gower - Guitar
Henry Moreno - Drums

Since 1992 TAUNTED has been a seminal underground San Francisco Bay Area metal band. While sharing the stage with metal bands long forgotten and legends still around, TAUNTED has endured and enjoyed its past and recent success.
Since the release of their 2000 DOOMED PLANET vinyl EP and their first full length CD “ZERO” in 2006 TAUNTED has garnered countless positive reviews as well as been heard across the world on FM and internet radio. In that same year Germany’s largest METAL publication HEAVY magazine asked the band to be on the METAL CRUSADE CD that had distribution over 30,000.
After much dedication and bare-knuckled work a dream was to be fulfilled by TAUNTED officially inking a record deal with the “ZERO” CD. TAUNTED knew the work had just begun and intensified the focus that culminated in well received live performances Headlining and supporting national acts such as OVERKILL, METAL CHURCH, DRAGONLORD, CANDLEMASS, SINNER, VICIOUS RUMORS and recently DEATH ANGEL.
In 2007 another gift was offered to TAUNTED when they were a part of the Tenth Anniversary of the greatest outdoor garden party in the world, HEADBANGER’S OPEN AIR. This would prove to be the opportunity of a lifetime to be a part of such a respected HEAVY METAL festival. TAUNTED also performed at BALLROOM HAMBURG while they were in Germany and the reviews of both shows were extraordinary. Soon after TAUNTED established ties with the reputable SKATEBOARD MARKETING and developed a radio promotion that rivaled signed bands. The “ZERO” CD was the #2 most added CD on FMQB right behind CALVALERAS CONSPIRACY and #3 on CMJ LOUD. After seeing the response from fans in the USA and abroad, TAUNTED was determined to continue to release the most intense METAL music and execute the sound live. CD sales of “ZERO” continued to rise and TAUNTED became a BEST SELLING artist on CD BABY.
In the summer of 2008 while in the writing mode for the next CD, TAUNTED was invited to perform at the SEATTLE METAL FEST which put a final stamp of approval on the legacy of the “ZERO” CD and put in motion what was to be the beginning of the new CD “BLEEDING BLACK”. What is now heard on the new CD “BLEEDING BLACK” intensifies the sound of TAUNTED and brings to the table a defined epic style of THRASH METAL that is updated and HUGE! TAUNTED continues to be a local favorite band in the SAN FRANCISCO “THRASH METAL” scene and with a tour in the works and another radio blitz for “BLEEDING BLACK” via SKATE BOARD MARKETING waiting to be unleashed, this chapter of TAUNTED promises to be the most exciting yet.
Bay Area is back ! Since 1992 the band Taunted hit the underground San Francisco Bay Area scene. It took til 2006 to bring out the first full length album that was called „Zero“. Here, in 2009, is now the follow up called „Bleeding Black“. As I had to pick up the CD, the band sent to me, at the customs declaration office I was told to open the package together with the chief officer there. What a shock for him as he saw the front cover first. A half skull face that is Bleeding Black. Anyway, the guy allowed me to take the album with me and here it is.
„One demon at a time“ starts with a huge riff and a Roar, roar, roar. This it Thrash Metal, for sure. Jacques Serrano's vocals are near to old Metal Church, aggressive with some clean parts. The right voice for that kind of music. This song has power, this song has speed. A guitar solo in the middle with an oriental touch and some other vibes leads that track in an epic way. So, we can call this Epic Thrash. „Dead buried“ starts again with a killer riff. Serrano is that various in his vocals that I nearly would call that weird. Underlines the dark and horror lyrics. Awesome guitar solo of Joey Genoni and high screams round up that apocalyptic hymn. „Darkened eye“ starts with midtempo guitar riff and taking speed then. This song is faster played. Straight in the eyes, no compromise. I hear even some parallels to Udo from Accept in Serrano's performance. In the middle the song changes to epic again. Caused of Genoni's solo. Only to come back again to speed and thrash. „Blood washed skin“ remembers me to....yes...Exciter's Thrash, Speed, Burn. I mean the title track of that Exciter album. Maybe the band heard that album before too? Anyway, a real smasher. Fast, furious, speed guitar solo. All you need as a Headbanger. Fists high, this will be a live concert bomb. Slow guitar start in „The Floating Ghost“. Yes..this song is the slowest so far. Ok..no ballad but not a fast song. Seems that Genoni lives in his own world in his solo. Many experiments he packed in that. The song is played on one sound level and fades out in the end. Speed is back in „Victim“. Brutal, hard....a real riff monster. The drums of Henry Moreno do the talking on that song. He can show his talent and lives in this song. Also the bass of Pete Aguilar is more in front than at the other songs so far. So, this is the musicians own song. Lots of breaks, wall of sound. The vocals are only the background in that scene of crime. Now it is time to welcome „Lucifer“. Another straight thrash metal song. Serrano does some echoes in his performance. Riffing is the main thing in that track. Direct hit. A devilish scream opens „Old man gloom“. This song has a little bit of a Rock'n Roller. It is dirty, breathing the streets. Our daily horrors in one song. 4 minutes power in the sign of 666. Bass intro in „Bloodline“. Slower guitars set in. Tuned deeper than before. Changing of dark and high Serrano vocals. Midtempo meets speed. This is another song that remembers me to older Metal Church. Epical moments meets the power between Heavy Metal and Thrash. In the end „The candle burns black“. Balladesque start. Acoustic leads into dramatic scenery. Clean vocals does an intermezzo talking to the devil. The dark has arrived.
I was very impressed of this album. The mixture of thrash and epic parts is more innovative than lots of bands are in this times. Some songs have to be heard more often to explore all their facettes. If the production will be a little better with the next album we will have here the next big thing in more extreme metal music. During that review I hear that Taunted made an european wide distribution deal with a well known label. That underlines my statement! Taste that thrash, taste that band.

Review of Holger Andrae
You like old disks of FORBIDDEN? You want it knusprig, dragging along and at the same time melodisch? You stand on singers, who separate pointed cries in the correct places? Then must walk you now to the purchase!
Scarce three years I for this projectile waited. The predecessor “zero” ranks still among my favourites from the range of melodischer Thrash with Köpfchen and the appearance on the HOA my enthusiasm for TAUNTED only support could. To that extent I am already somewhat excited as “Bleeding Black” for the first time by my apartment room sweep. And after few seconds of “One Demon RK A time” I already know that the troop from California sets, where it left us hot hungry back: Highly transparent and at the same time enormously dynamic production lets those of reef of Joey Genoni work as an army from strings. One formally pressed to the wall, thus killing enormously and nevertheless not too modern working crash the chords from my boxes. Memories of “The Gathering” of WILL become awake. The air guitar melts with attempt imaginary to keep up here.
The next plus – with the required quality are there actually directly several – is the voice of Jacques Serrano. Very strong, in the correct moments briefly times shrill and in the undertone, with undreamt-of ease one fools swearing to here almost, how a Metalorgan has to sound. Just as.
The three-quarter hour passes each mark as in the flight, because the quartet offers much alternation in its compositions despite permanent defensive fire sufficiently, in order not to fatigue or bore the listener. Thus into “Darkened Eyes” unexpectedly strongly on the accelerotor pedal one steps, without losing the melody thread. Whereby I find personally however somewhat more favour to moderate numbers kept at a moderate temperature. There a nearly uncanny atmosphere is produced. Supported of wuchtiger Rhythmik crawl the guitar melodies such as spiders to the listener the back up and spread a schauriges Kribbeln. Pleasant memories of FORBIDDEN to the “Twisted Into form” - phase become occasionally awake thereby. So for example, if in the magnificent high point of the high points – in particular “The floating Ghost” emerge – also still whispering voices from the off. Better it hardly goes. But, it goes, because the concluding “The Candle Burns Black” exceeds with its hochmelodischen passages and the swearing to Rhythmik the remainder of the album almost still.
I am again completely enthusiastic. TAUNTED offer the up-to-date best mixture from technical Thrash Metal, something speed and Groove on “Bleeding Black”. All of this combined with this insanity voice results in naturally an album, with which one must fall in love as a friend of traditional-modern sounds automatically. Now it remains hoping that TAUNTED will rave again on German stages around. Soon. Ask.
Note: 8.5/10
Holger Andrae, 24.1.2010
Добавлен альбом "9 Sins" (2013).
Update / Обновление раздачи!
+ 2020 - Songs From The Wasteland (320 kbps)