UFO - Дискография (1970-2012)

UFO - Дискография (1970-2012)
Style:Hard Rock
Additional:Heavy Metal
Country:United Kingdom
Format:VBR mp3
Size:6.83 GB
UFO - Дискография (1970-2012)
4.99/5 votes: 92
Added:06/11/2012 16:59:16
Downloaded:3638 (Taken - 9513) Seeded 7 Downloading 7
Last seeded:26/12/2024 08:50:37
Moderation:Moderated by Phenom
Albums / Альбомы:
  01. Studio albums
  02. Concert albums
  03. Remastering albums
  04. Collection albums
  05. Mogg&Way albums
06. INFO

schoon420, pisanu2025, gigimoliu, DonLukao, LeJoliRouge, Boby002, Cliff1, coyote666, Agwen, Maloff, Tadi3p, siviqvulk, zadar48, Jaws72, wimmel13, ppriest, Etmor, Joer_Wolf, Hata, satchel81, taymas, vyachazor, DeniReza, hans-zi, Marsound, joseang, Romzes2073, ultron2020, pericles132, I V Black, POWERSMETAL, blaga, tricksy-lights, ro32ma, MonGaUx, Nitsuga, john-li, marcaodsouza, KMzNadya18Kol20, thephilosopher, pankk, cloise, qshera, fuckknuckle, lazarus muller, LordHeimdall, jovafe, nafa, thule59, vazdu, xoctav, thecult cffc, PETRMASAK, NeKKRoTiK, NJStix, _Koshak_, comrade, samodyuk, W6278896253, blackivan, skhott, AHRB, Yoha, Helldwarf, cidarstewart, gonlop27, geoge, Dark13cloud, Firestorm151, JanneFiH, Danai, Vaho, johnnyquad02, rusho, artmet, cilike1982, Gauzer, ricoko, Zekero, lusi8201, Ortiz68, Janiba60, Dedok6, Argos, kerecsen, danpan, Андрей С 1975, TechnicolorMan, aris16, DANSDR, karnab, lorddragon67, HeavyM69, Zvukach, arkanzas666, Mc Coy, sergey1963, sdwolf, anvil2399, paulricard, Hallows eve, юрген, GoodW1n71, Jupiler, alucard2991, kallyadranoch, adee1970, giorgis, Юран, mediap1, THE, welder 1984, slammer442, Rock11, Sinema, gargolux, sleazerocker, YagoMoP, Chucky19, altandex, Druzhinin, rammmirez, akasha-seraphim, teknoir, kanvey, DelMarBR, aalio, sparky48, kane89, Vosje, rockgod, grygera13, hussky, jlbyjrjtpkj, blister_hck, LordManHammer, vader1388, Flyfisher61, dc2142, Tedebrujas, chevrolet, edbangor, schizor, Jimmy59, DoubleDoobie, John-ru-71, TacioPalmeira, midnightmetal, Ibram_Gaunt, Edumetal17, lepage59, Raus, WolfDC, sx_link, SleepingDeer, OliverQ, andymason, LordOfTheWasteland, RoRoGROSLOUIS, OZZMAN2014, dimbulma, booids58 , hrosik, pebbles1965, pinkfloyder, voloalex, Moto_, gotrhythm, TheDarkLordJJ, fanfan87, barsuk, TomJoad, johnmangini , чуебакка, alxcsrdbla, venom71, jaimefaz42, hablack, Metalheartt, fischer, bujinro, tbc85, slagger, Gandalf71, Rakir, deu del tro, camere, JOE5150, hag0310, lemodic, awall, elk666, drlucifer , USN, speeddemon, destruction, slim87, kostasblackwind, pirat1969, WrathChild, kafroulas, bomber, KipeLov, polgara, evilbo666, Alexnext, severnii_voin, rockcorn, Tankist75, agotka666, muratko, pasa73, defster, flybynight, Shirka, czangos, gheneminga, KOTЪ, Pillau, tobik, kreator1976, DeadMort, djoma, kukliatka, ev0707, romb, styxx, Roker1648, N73,


59  Spain
2024-07-18 02:12:11

Muchas Gracias 

59  Spain
2024-07-21 19:26:09

Thank you so much, greatly appreciated! {#thank_you.gif}


59  Spain
2024-07-21 19:27:03

You have missed th original album Strangers in the Night. You do not have disc 1.

Oops, important failure!, Has it been addressed since you wrote?

59  Spain
2024-07-21 19:36:56

You have missed th original album Strangers in the Night. You do not have disc 1.

Oops, important failure!, Has it been addressed since you wrote?

I think not, since the original poster has gone, and most certainly Mr. Pheno is only holding the original contents of the post. There are two possible "near-solutions", 1.- That any of the holders of the post build a new torrent, replacing the incomplete release with the deluxed edition published around here (https://en.metal-tracker.com/torrents/296559.html) or 2.- Do yourself the same thing privately, if you don't want to publish a torrent, howerver, I'd recommend you to do so, if you can.

2024-08-12 22:45:55


2024-09-08 09:51:33



2024-12-20 22:09:09

Thanks! {#dance4.gif}

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