Inferno - Discography (1997-2009)
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Albums / Альбомы: 1997 - Temna Poselstvi Davnych Predcu (Demo) - 256 Kbps 1999 - Celestia & Inferno (Split) - 192 Kbps 1999 - Live In Bitterfeld (Live album) - 192 Kbps 1999 - Moonblood & Inferno (Split) - VBR Kbps 1999 - Proti Vsem (Split) - 256 Kbps 2000 - Split With Maniac Butcher - Metal From Hell - Chram Nenavisti - 192 Kbps 2001 - Duch Slovanské Sily (Re-released 2007) - 320 Kbps 2003 - Apolokia & Inferno - Acherontis Avari&Hrdi A Silni (Split) - 192 Kbps 2003 - Hrdí a silní - Satanic Martial Terror (Split) - 320 Kbps 2003 - V Navratu Pohanstvi - 320 Kbps 2004 - Fucking Funeral Attack 1997-2004 (Compilation) - 320 Kbps 2006 - Nikdy Nepokøtìni - 320 Kbps 2007 - Front Beast & Inferno (Split) - 192 Kbps 2008 - Blood Poisoned By The Glorious Evil (Split) - 192 Kbps 2008 - Infernal Belief (Split) - 320 Kbps 2008 - Uctivani Temne Zuoivosti - 128 Kbps 2009 - Black Devotion - VBR Kbps 2009 - The True Endless & Sekhmet & Tundra & Inferno - United In Hell (Split) - VBR Kbps | |
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pestbeule666, Zyklon1988, Marsound, joseang, Hardymetal666, atlas3728, AceQuorthon, -Nachtmahr-, metaller92, cyrci-35, blackswordmaster88, mrtvc87, JanneFiH, Vaho, S4T4N4S, draht, van dooom, Vinland318, Csacsa77, bootselectric13, Sumerian_Daemon, qwsa, Gipsy5, blackman198, firebiker, kasbeelpazuzu, blood_shed, tommert, vladoff665, Artscald, XYZ000, panos74, 666PoisonSnake, soultaker88, LazarShadow, Volat777, morgion, Diabolicum, BlackChrist, DarkSpawn, epica93, Lasea, metalmaiden12, SASHOKOO, siculterrorist, Daysbetween, kascey, aab68, savmit, neckroangeluz, Cortex, kreator1976, zurf79, Booyakasha, alexdamose, rus2540, King Bong, blacky, jared_wanted, butcheer, 2468645, |
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thanks a lot
Excellent, thank you!