Mgła - (Mgla) Discography (2001 - 2019)

Mgła - (Mgla) Discography (2001 - 2019)
Style:Black Metal
Format:320 mp3
Size:648.04 MB
Seeded:Varg Respect  Antirespect
Mgła - (Mgla) Discography (2001 - 2019)
4.9/5 votes: 323
Added:01/07/2013 00:43:58
Downloaded:17456 (Taken - 28042) Seeded 34 Downloading 10
Last seeded:03/02/2025 00:49:26
Moderation:Moderated by Veggr
Albums / Альбомы:

  2001 - Necrotic (Demo)
  2005 - Mgła & Exordium - Crushing The Holy Trinity: Holy Spirit (Split)
  2006 - Presence (EP)
  2006 - Mdłości (EP)
  2007 - Mdlosci & Further Down The Nest (Best Of Compilation)
  2007 - Further Down The Nest (EP)
  2008 - Groza
  2012 - With Hearts Toward None
  2015 - Exercises In Futility
  2019 - Age Of Excuse

  Line - Up:

Purity666, gravemouth, Adame Iwakura, dougsk8, Morgoth583, Mglan, ecm666, scapegoat, рюрик60, vacuity21, SrStas, NakedSnake86, ohMare, Boby002, Cliff1, METALLURG74, Sernyak, rainpants, foobar22, dualon, sacrut, deadasgardian, Pegaz, Legioner IX Legion, bRuteaLizeR666, Praggressive, wicked003, N-kee, Wilson quintero, EmSteel, pwgrobovets, druckalarm, Apofis58, shadow777, MsEcho, Kakoy-To Chel, nagharth, William Ford, chanfli, haaze2019, Fenrir79, 8bitWhiskey, Mojtaba, ReverendX, funusbandhu, someusername, LAV94, CHRISTGRINDERSLO, oyster, paradox_001, Gru45 , borisgeor, Azidahaka, VroVero, sethmorley1969, Spar, Alexandr88, innominatvm, Grandee, pestbeule666, neumann, kot954, vicdias, Wolfman85, Silenoz, Zyklon1988, Mongoloidnost, SlayeR2020, ganjam0n420, DarcRivera, vilenvilen, IGOR1085, rodrigore666, ziiminus, Fenol, exn, Mathias66, Macellaio, pirate666, JPvato, fripouilloux, condoomned, roheadrex, pericles132, heheboi85, hammurabi, atlas3728, bistrick, HopelessChaos, tctws, teuton70, sergio1204, ANT27, SvetaNord, Nitsuga, lilker, TenFoot, etownman1985, Suave_Spencer, TA78, Pav, dwarffromthedeep, WolfsSeele, harrytropi, Gadd88, -Nachtmahr-, craine, futilitist, banger, Death984, The Goat Reaper, Hairetikos, piktas666, kotofey1983, Optimist, Dimitris1982, cloise, FridaMichelle, priest antichrist, metaller92, DerNeueGott, Tiefe_, cyrci-35, grenadier1812, Moopert, nocturnal , LordHeimdall, iStargazer, eliteeins1, Blackhunter, Shurri Burri, y3nd0r, nesticle8bit, isenstone, IgnisInferni, reservjesus666, gaul666, Revan, Loreschulz71, MrZodiarche, root212, biopunk, olosh, Hastyrc, Soulblad3, RousT, trex21, Vikasoy, Orv, Doomshroom, NeKKRoTiK, azarall, Bigben315, 4b10, penumchrist, necrodenwhite, BTThirten, blackivan, Maksibonari, cheerup, astronaut1911, lerlond, H8llfire, garrett156, AriesWarlock, zwyks, valeriy chub, oldwhitepitbull, pabloFM, Ishtian Tier, Xavimetal32, Gritandoalaluna, Waterbong, Saint Vitus, унук эльхайя, Shturm58, keensteenteen, grolim, hrvth, blackswordmaster88, jimev, Sigistrix, Letterbombs, izan, elpepo, pirox666, ComradeK, E_Zann, 28cm, fester_revered, darrelian, Hyouga, SpaceOnanist, Linard, Sentinel79, russwwelt, Antichrist Superstar, manrique, sergiobach, JanneFiH, trindez667, Satanic_blackmetal, goktaycecen, Vaho, Kszyhoo72, KrampusLover, Viking1966, Fazerr, ronan666, draht, Бхайрава, clayj79, Drakestae, bandit, riqeqz24ud, ConquerAll, van dooom, Skvllkrvsher, Vinland318, Disturbio_pt, MMuerto, yazvitskiy ef, VSvaleryVS, dave77, cesinha, Zloy Norvegets, FrenteAtletico, dreamfall_67, Miffodiy, berjer, nikos6666, snegfly, mooshmer, Empty322, Ass and Ass, Bhut78, ohniesensei, h0st_, Mamarracho_CFC, danny888, fdr1969, DarkLord1985, Loner271216, vorrigan, olegkom, territott, moris7, xeskist, Abaraggi, joseff, bootselectric13, boooble, wal, Kvarkmeister, SuXuMuXu, frackl, Dead981, ottovonbismark, LambOfGod92, Thronumgoroth, Lord Megorra, fuppante123, roswel47, Malice V, Malkar, Stefan Kharkivskiy, Fjellstraum, Don194417, INGVAR 57, laurent-bonma, Japan07, camart72, uranya, Igor20yan, hdemon, ierofantis2999, j0nathan, Chris Zombie, Zetores, Vsl, blacksatyr01, Judas Scariot, Bob Khoder, fkinf300, Dogsvomit, prepucerobuste, MartianReaper, karmaisabitch997, dero20, Tarrodor, SonneAdler0935, valgog, heavenshallburn, wipes, Witchkrieg, 12E2, tankistka, Iron_Duke, bill4aston, kata_grana, rottenhead, equilibrium666, lucifere, smokeitnowmaan, morrior, varlata666, semt, Rahko, timo2007, syntexid, zombiTerror, psych0social666, dogmanace, pipu1983, kisoun, fosepu10, backdraft, hexthor, johnlord, sonofsabbath13, Infor, brujo87, bumlock, MorbiusBDSM, tommert, aliparhizkar, pops074, Blockcat, Nemetz, abdul666, Slayerofsouls, w1zz1, chaosick, fraggelmange, vladoff665, NEPENTHIAN77, AuthoritahFigure, ohdaesoo81, laurana, galusik5, Philthyone, mepatrik1, Jonah Hex, Ryanvill, marc84, tuallamore, Faringo, domce106, Gostrak, rosen, hudozhnik-41, Artscald, blister_hck, nietzschigor, LMX, Goremageddon_ , tivkiot_bob, KataPy, jth6, Anomalia, LadyInferhn, Visutox, buday1978, Sortilegio, rockersha, Franzquiller, Haris_b, ETHER, nasos73, Kuntgrinder, TROLLman72, alvarovara, panos74, Steene, Billy_Sdk, peligrimm, Kanti, lucifugefromhell, vasmalac, Raistlin76, acharetidis, DBoss, Leo15, Metal Jesus, Hampelmann, ricknroll, silentorder, cyberInFer, rockhead, Ordinance, sx_link, lamaan2001, bearbob1989, nemesis50, Arczi666, LordOfTheWasteland, Ikkedus, sep_silas, Thox6s, Madball74, joao casimiro, purplejane231, derbloodlust, kotletix, 666PoisonSnake, dimbulma, kyll3r, soultaker88, andrescnk, waclav_666, HavocHaunter, MrMD, perninha, kare6161, incenerator, blacksunwheel, Hellwar, belverk, peternorth, Exmorted, SjaakMetaal, fulci32, Moto_, NOISEofdepression, neinta, TVM_75 , Z-KRAY, rek1989_11, mayorofarta, SickBastard666, hoher666, Lonewolfgr, Dusan Ivkovic9, chopeth, LazarShadow, Volat777, jutas, kragdob, themetal696969, yoxnod, venom71, Император Нильфгарда, Hellaeon1089, Slayermayhem, Diabolicum, Desolate, Kingvile, Cold Space, In The Woods, bourkek, arhat2012, warmaster, StonedSignal, bob dobs, mediterane, nagumo, feofan1975, Hendrik Mobus, dimon7700, majestas leprosus, BlackChrist, drumgog, EderMoura, artkenosis, андрюшик, ssvarog, BlackWolf666, DarkSpawn, LameBastard, epica93, sidius, TheOhm, conan7, FMV88, Benjamin Breeg, Nikolai_K, orphanage, BicycleOfDeath, Lasea, HerpDaDerp, nico91, kohmar, TULKAS88, kartzaroth, Diegocaro85, r1pple, demarbi, Dhaos, blizzardbeast, Vampire_metal, pilu71, stormhatt, Nabilpiero, Memfisto, sarmarosh, CruxSimplex, cultofhate, Bestdican, lokiju, Veggr, djuka666, kek, Zyprianus, Xandy profano, oscarcelt, Mantoz, caesardarks, OSPF, kostasblackwind, ghoulsandsouls, sylenoz, shay1212, Ameneon, QAFenriz, Corellion, Lathronniel, Alcoholocausto, Corpse Grinder, kacsa, asmorod, kafroulas, KipeLov, DevAngelLX, Daysbetween, lord1313, AnDRONik696, pelayuscl, Bonhartt, kascey, aab68, Halldor, massiargo, sandrolord, diabolicus999, balroglord, grav_tn, filosofik, ioldanakh, muratko, pasa73, tarantino666, crusader71, dripfeeder, mistergrajams, tyr_mid, Dr Aibolit, Zonder, savmit, branislav, Plajda, theraven, everdarksoul, vaniaradi, varlam4, 241070, bluffuffe, Ulv, maxch78, Rizius, neckroangeluz, sittharta, CORPSEMIXA, AligerO, KOTЪ, Armoxa, mosessatan, PawellSkull, tobik, alex11, DeadMort, pantherace, kukliatka, rus2540, DeathDiman, sylsly, atvorun, METALLOMAN, klaus, Deathoxy, butcheer, taakel78, Ихель, pivi90, FuneralWolf,


2024-04-03 00:59:58


30  Iceland
2024-06-23 08:47:46


2024-07-03 04:59:28


2024-07-26 11:04:08


2024-09-05 19:05:17



33  France
2024-10-16 12:18:06

Thanks {#yahoo.gif}

45  Russia
2025-01-04 10:09:16

    Послушав только 2015 год понял.... данная группа возвращает меня в период с 1997 по 2003. Когда можно было слышать такие творения только от Burzum, Satirycon, Emperor ecrt...

    Хорошый black. Плотный, сырой, с хорошими атмосферными вставками клавишных (?). А главное, что выделяло многих польских металлеров - это какое-то чувство мрака, черноты и меланхолии (Semetery of Scream).

    В общем качаю 2008, 2009 и 2015.

50  USSR
2025-01-08 23:52:59

I thought I had some Mgla but apparently not.. Oh, well now I do!

No wonder 321 votes lead to 5 stars!! This is perfectly excellent black metal. For me, it's halfway into the atmospheric, and halfway regular. Very good -- even from track 1 of the demo, this has been enyoyable, and I'm not done yet.

10 *'s{#acute.gif}

2025-01-15 16:57:48

Thanks for The Upload !

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