Civil War - Discography (2012 - 2016)

Civil War - Discography (2012 - 2016)
Civil War - Discography (2012 - 2016)
Style:Heavy Power Metal
Format:320 mp3
Size:736.44 MB
Seeded:djoma Respect  Antirespect
Civil War - Discography (2012 - 2016)
4.75/5 votes: 99
Added:05/10/2013 20:22:14
Downloaded:4164 (Taken - 6886) Seeded 7 Downloading 1
Last seeded:21/11/2024 14:10:55
Moderation:Moderated by Phenom
Albums / Альбомы:

  2012 - Rome Is Falling (Single)
  2012 - Civil War (EP)
  2013 - I Will Rule The Universe (Single)
  2013 - Saint Patrick's Day (Single)
  2013 - First To Fight (Single)
  2013 - The Killer Angels (Despotz Records. DZCD031)
  2013 - The Killer Angels (Despotz Records. DZCD033)
  2015 - Gods And Generals (Limited Edition)
  2016 - The Last Full Measure (Limited Edition)
  2016 - The Last Full Measure (Japanese Edition)

  Band / Группа:
  Info / Инфо:

eugenio malkin, music202324, Викинг74, Putte62, MetalJohn42, TopsyKretts, Otgerquerbus, taro, Bazza666, Vegas102, Wolfman85, jlo222, Marsound, joseang, Konn, ultron2020, mrsly, Raidon, traveller, gabyvelthegreat, blaga, jorgesr, palonen, teuton70, marcaodsouza, Draeraxes, crusade, jamesiron, pervunchik_vasja, LordHeimdall, Roffe, xoctav, PETRMASAK, W6278896253, JankoJohnson, kiscsavo78, Helldwarf, UncleSpooler, krypton2000, bj_waters, JanneFiH, Yaumulahad, DHawkmoon, UberGeek, sdarken, schnolgi, judas priest 1, nikos6666, Janiba60, TheMarceloRocker, kerecsen, Spiritle55, suslovod, fdr1969, gustavo1927, lorddragon67, Vladimir 345, wal, Jotunheim800, sergey1963, dronick, Scallywag, dimon4960, Andre Fitbanger, юрген, suroja, Stefan Kharkivskiy, Sigrok, LORDDEVIL666, DurceMetal, laci2031, kallyadranoch, JrMendes, cranioclast, Phek1957, vitalichka1973, xanatos72, welder 1984, slammer442, kolobok455, fkinf300, skippyhs, loginnik, Tarrodor, Blurrry, 12E2, Dawydoo, smokeitnowmaan, fodi22, firebiker, animicide, Metalchoub, syntexid, backdraft, kanvey, bumlock, binene, Nikron, Vosje, CycoMacke, Slayerofsouls, myrath666, elymetal, ohdaesoo81, galusik5, TrakkaUPacciu, simple_guy7, baldavar, kamikiraly, Artscald, jlbyjrjtpkj, leosv, gwar777, Sourcekv, teslasboots, Leprosy974, dc2142, alfred13, filipos1973, cmelak, BlokAda, Edumetal17, Will1978, Andreykaikom42, lepage59, монстр 4466, andrew_choppa, JIAKU, suec, Jholer2837, LordOfTheWasteland, gyurma, templarsteel, ivannemec, riojard, galuche, koldarra, luchito_bc, sekhmet666, fanfan87, hoher666, War Hammer, titanido, price321, Brandon Storm, evilone, alxcsrdbla, venom71, kuku, khonsu, bujinro, faktor69, Desolate, Stahlreich, kosmatus, tbc85, alexey19700, Death_69, DRJ, feco41, Gandalf71, deu del tro, андрюшик, tvi72, TheChristReborn, epica93, Benjamin Breeg, Nikolai_K, SHMELb, bma1976mihho, Lasea, Mundo , danielshan, Imkum, diegof74, lemodic, destruction, rodfran, carlos364, Veggr, popeye, ksfsk, cyvra, oscarcelt, olegcap17, metaltrixter313, lecochonhalal, Varg, robi1967, Николай7711, LordDanniel, KipeLov, ironmike666, Freddi Kruger, Daysbetween, Barbuj1981, HeavyMetalWarrioR, HeRmAN, csafe67, sioux, наталья шарымова, klukas, sandrolord, muratko, Onizoku, Rourke, vadimus, mas17, everdarksoul, Priestlow, rodionov, Shirka, gatemis, MET4002, babayoto, AligerO, KOTЪ, Alkanex, Pillau, uriasmith, kukliatka, bimmer325, leonidka59, ev0707, romb, alex69, rich74, RedPoint, blacky, 2683765, N73,


2022-10-02 12:16:58

Muchas gracias

2022-11-27 16:10:41


59  Spain
2023-01-23 04:47:47

Thanks so much {#drinks.gif}

2023-03-05 13:53:23


2024-11-17 18:39:33


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