Duration / Продолжительность: 00:48:40
Tracks / Треклист:
Ordo Templi Aeternae Lucis : 01. Aeresis (12:40) 02. Héritier d'un Monde Mourant (8:58)
Blessed In Sin : 03. Weeping Dance of the Dying Lovers (Intro) (3:42) 04. The Fire that Burns my Soul (Will Burn You Soon) (7:33) 05. A Thousand Candles for my Late Love (7:12) 06. Then She Embraces Us (Outro) (1:56) 07. Necromancer/Primordial (Mortuary Drape Covers) (with Ordo Templi Aeternae Lucis) (6:39)
pestbeule666, Dimitris1982, JanneFiH, kibabs, Azumin1234, qwsa, Artscald, pogiratel, mparion, Volat777, majestas leprosus, heinz88, LameBastard, FMV88, xamul, KipeLov, kascey, everdarksoul, djoma, alexey13, |