Call Of Charon - Discography (2007 - 2019)

Call Of Charon - Discography (2007 - 2019)
Call Of Charon - Discography (2007 - 2019)
Additional:Hardcore, Metalcore
Format:Разный (указан в описании) / Other
Size:237.03 MB
Seeded:nikos6666 Respect  Antirespect
Call Of Charon - Discography (2007 - 2019)
4.96/5 votes: 11
Added:08/01/2019 19:50:06
Downloaded:164 (Taken - 392) Seeded 0 Downloading 1
Last seeded:20/04/2024 09:44:00
Moderation:Moderated by nikos6666
Albums / Альбомы:
2007 - Shot.Dead.Drowning (EP) (VBR mp3)
2015 - Call Of Charon & Mortal Hatred ‎- The Takeover (Split) (128 Kbps)
2017 - Long Forgotten Memories (Compilation) (320 Kbps)
2017 - Antigone's Farewell (Single) (320-128 Kbps)
2019 - Plaguebearer (320 Kbps)



49  Luxembourg
2020-12-16 20:11:33

дайте хоть на пол часа раздачу!!!!

2023-11-20 09:39:15

0 seeds 4 leeachers not going to work its shoing a 0.000 ratio ill give it an hour but after that probably talk to the person who uploaded this and he or she has to redo it cause were going to constantly have to reseeding it and get more leecher ratio on our end not our problem maybe theres corrupted files or its a dead torrent?

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