Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio - Let's Play (Two Girls & A Goat)

Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio - Let's Play (Two Girls & A Goat)
Style:Dark Folk Metal
Format:320 mp3
Size:138.45 MB
Seeded:maiksor Respect  Antirespect
Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio - Let's Play (Two Girls & A Goat)
4.56/5 votes: 10
Added:27/09/2019 21:15:26
Downloaded:906 (Taken - 645) Seeded 2 Downloading 0
Last seeded:21/12/2024 17:41:47
Moderation:Moderated by maiksor
Length / Продолжительность:00:59:26

Tracks / Треклист:
01. Forty Years After Null (There's No Answer To The Riddle) (03:13)
02. Two Girls And A Goat (I Never Knew…) (05:37)
03. Evil Wears A Mask With Your Name (04:19)
04. I Met Jesus In A Dream (Till Illusions Fall Apart) (05:27)
05. Let's Play Said The Rose To The Goat (03:32)
06. This Is Life This Is War (Let's Play And Make Believe) (04:58)
07. This Knife Will Steal Your Heart - Let's Waken The Judas In You (05:13)
08. There's No Pride Love Is Dead (Kiss My Eyes And Crush My Head) (06:00)
09. Anoint Me With Vomit, And Desecrate My Beliefs (04:28)
10. There's A Chalice With My Semen (And Another With My Blood) (04:07)
11. [Social Darwinist Contortion] Who Is Born To Rule The World? (03:28)
12. M?nage ? Trois - There Is Nothing To Regret (04:41)
13. The Hierophant & The Devil (You Taste Like Innocence, And Broken Dreams) (04:32)


29  USA
2019-09-28 11:43:52

Thnx {#dance4.gif}

2020-04-21 00:06:58


2021-09-15 13:31:20

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