Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio - Discography (1995 - 2020)

Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio - Discography (1995 - 2020)
Additional:Gothic, Industrial
Format:320 mp3
Size:1.84 GB
Seeded:carlmcoy Respect  Antirespect
Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio - Discography (1995 - 2020)
4.68/5 votes: 9
Added:04/07/2020 20:51:10
Downloaded:1417 (Taken - 741) Seeded 3 Downloading 0
Last seeded:03/12/2024 19:40:36
Moderation:Moderated by Veggr
Albums / Альбомы:

1995 - Reaping The Fallen... The First Harvest
1997 - The Triumh Of Light... And Thy Thirteen Shadows Of Love
1998 - Conquest, Love & Self Perseverance
2001 - Homo Rattus I (Single) (As Vitoria)
2001 - Make Love, And War (The Wedlock Of Equilibrium) (Compilation)
2001 - Make Love, And War (The Wedlock Of Roses)
2003 - Cocktails, Carnage, Crucifixion and Pornography
2005 - Satyriasis - Somewhere Between Equilibrium And Nihilism (Split with Spiritual Front)
2006 - Apocalips
2007 - 4I (EP)
2009 - ONANI - (Practice Makes Perfect)
2009 - Three Hours (As Triore)
2010 - Do Angels Never Cry, And Heaven Never Fall (EP)
2010 - Songs 4 Hate & Devotion
2016 - Vision-Libertine The Hangman's Triad
2018 - Where Nobody Can Hear You Scream
2019 - Let's Play (Two Girls & A Goat)
2020 - Conversation Piece




49  Luxembourg
2020-07-05 09:16:08

команда хорошая. но вы бы хоть разделили чуток. тут и Ordo Rosarius и Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio и Closed Mouth и Maquerade 

2021-08-24 23:19:40

all is same, indeed. there are not so many bands alike Ordo really. BIG THANKS WHATEVER!!!

2023-01-18 19:53:06

Thank you!!!

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