Cephalic Carnage - Discography (1998 - 2010)
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Albums / Альбомы: 1998 - Conforming to Abnormality 2000 - Exploiting Dysfunction 2002 - Lucid Interval 2005 - Anomalies 2007 - Xenosapien 2010 - Misled by Certainty | |
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amesJay78, METALLURG74, ChetGrunge, bRuteaLizeR666, zadar48, vvlkcvlt, Chuck6GGG, _Destroyer_, Zyklon1988, death9841, DarcRivera, Marsound, Macellaio, mrsly, -Nachtmahr-, Death984, ArchspireKardasheV, metaller92, drrmad, xoctav, alien77, Gros Jaws, daruked, JanneFiH, Vaho, sopot14, Алексей евгеньевич, anthodysmorf, talopatalo, Panzerbassen, Benumb2, albert66613, Dogsvomit, gjerich, qasab, szelew, Artscald, vamprose, ElboLiman, ac5820, sx_link, trifonoff, TheDarkLordJJ, fanfan87, Volat777, morgion, dimon7700, epica93, orphanage, kukliatka, N73, |
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