hellhound999, Boby002, Watcher91, TempleOfFive, lolo_69, Loki76, МеталДед, metalgreg, Marsound, joseang, JPvato, Hardymetal666, stoleg66, savaman79, Arisnfh111, Netto1962, Nighti01, SerpentDave, priest antichrist, vladimir281161, jaboro, xoctav, blackivan, psychotic_penguin, anationonfire, trasher76, jedimx, velasco, havik, Sentinel79, JanneFiH, Danai, talopatalo, VSvaleryVS, Panzerbassen, Ortiz68, Janiba60, BlsDisciple, fdr1969, moris7, lorddragon67, Paul2016, Scallywag, thrashem, Metalos65, necrosadi, terminator007, Godsnake, johnlord, aalio, Vosje, CycoMacke, Pablo19, strato020, Tchelo, ElboLiman, cyberInFer, pebbles1965, riojard, tundra, galuche, Jetlag69, peternorth, david21, spyros7, kaliberrock, prisma, bril, deu del tro, Dandi, mattia, Дидахе, chyci, john40, Alextoner, destructionn, OSPF, walkingdead, JackalOBoB, bangmaster, alienface, MrBaggy, kreator1976, FuneralWolf |
Thanks !!!!!!!
очень мелодично , немного модерново . без грува и металкора . (7++ из 10) сладко , но не приторно .
I get Soilwork Vibes from these guys... just not as good. The vocals are mostly clean and he's a decent singer. Better than radio rock music. 6-10
thanks friend