Lifebreather - Hope // Despair (EP)

Lifebreather - Hope // Despair (EP)
Format:320 mp3
Size:41.27 MB
Seeded:DetMoroz Respect  Antirespect
Lifebreather - Hope // Despair (EP)
4.9/5 votes: 5
Added:28/03/2024 23:32:45
Downloaded:162 (Taken - 199) Seeded 7 Downloading 0
Last seeded:27/04/2024 15:46:49
Moderation:Moderated by vaniaradi
Length / Продолжительность:
Tracks / Треклист:
01 Where It All Begins
02 Lionheart (feat. Pierre Schneider)
03 Redemption (feat. Pierre Schneider)
04 Dreamwalker (feat. Pierre Schneider)
05 The End (feat. Pierre Schneider)


61  Spain
2024-03-29 02:03:57

Gracias DetMoroz

23  Switzerland
2024-03-29 03:48:21

обложка зачётная )

50  Canada
2024-04-04 06:42:41

Not bad. Very much melodic metalcore.

Off hand I would give it 6 or 7 / 10 but that deserves explanation because the album has some very good elements, and some I find less good, but that's me; you may find differently. My opinion might break down like:

9/10 - death vocals. remind me of Dmitriy Levin or Seth van de Loo (Deus Inversus, Voodoo Gods, Deicide)

9/10 - heavy metal guitars and accompanying guitars. nice technical melodic backing, and very solid lead.

6/10 - soppy drawn-out lead-ins, too much "pop-synthy-ness" in the acoustic/ melodic/ clean parts.

6/10 - track arrangements, clean vocals, and originality. The album does not stand out.

It's just my opinion, you make your own :) yet if you like melodic metalcore, you may love it. At 42 MB it won't hurt to download and see.

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